Features included in the 2.35 Update:

  • Update Almagu TTS engine (Classic TC/Classic TC w/ WP/Dialogue/LAMP WFL/LAMP WFL UK/TouchChat HD/TouchChat HD w/ WP/TouchChat HD Hebrew)
  • Head tracking rest area improvements (Classic TC/Classic TC Lite/Classic TC w/ WP/TouchChat HD/TouchChat HD Lite/TouchChat HD w/ WP/TouchChat HD Hebrew/Dialogue)
    • Added a new On/Off setting to the top of the existing “rest area” sub-menu.  If Off, all other menu items in the sub-menu should be hidden.
    • Changed the top-level “rest area” menu item to show On or Off based on the new On/Off setting (rather than the rest area size).
    • Renamed “0” to “off” in “rest area size”
    • Move “show rest area” to the bottom of the sub-menu