Page 5 - May 2019 WEBINAR SCHEDULE
P. 5

Meet Your Instructor:       Jane has over 10 years of experience                Oh the Things You Can Do!
                                      working with children and adults with               A Chat Editor Make & Take Session
                                      disabilities and has worked in a variety of
                                      settings.  Her passion for helping those with       This interactive course begins with a review of Saltillo’s

                                      special needs began at age 13 as a volunteer  Chat Editor, the free companion software that is
                                      in a school for children with autism, and           available to use with both the TouchChat Application
                                      advanced throughout the years in various
                                                                                          and the Saltillo devices (e.g., NovaChat, ChatFusion,
                                      capacities – as a camp counselor for adults         TouchChat Express). After creating a configuration,
                                      with developmental disabilities; as a               participants will observe how to transfer and open a
             Jane Lindley             volunteer/employee in a private clinic for          vocabulary file within Chat Editor software. Participants

            Assistive Technology      survivors of stroke and traumatic brain             will then engage in a hands-on learning experience, as
                       l              injury; and as a Speech-Language Pathology          they discover how to print pages and use the button

          Southern Arizona and        Assistant in Arizona’s public-school                capture tool to create button sequences. Participants

               New Mexico             system.  Jane has thousands of hours of             will then paste these button sequences into provided

                                      experience working one on one with clients,         templates to create quick and easy visual supports and
                                      and training their support teams, including         materials.
                                      clinicians, teachers and caregivers. It is her
                                      goal to support individuals and their               **Participants should have the most up to date Chat
                                      supporters in order to maximize their               Editor software already downloaded. Find the
                                      success.                                            download here

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