Page 8 - May 2019 WEBINAR SCHEDULE
P. 8

Meet Your Instructor:       Stephanie holds a bachelor degree in                An Implementation Tool Kit for AAC: Achieving
                                      Communication Disorders from Abilene                Authentic Communication

                                      Christian University and the Certificate in
                                      Assistive Technology Applications (ATACP)           This course will review elements of implementation to
                                      from California State University-                   help participants achieve authentic communication with
                                      Northridge.  Stephanie has sixteen years of         their clients. Participants will learn about
                                      special education experience working as a           communication, a complex multimodal process,
                                      speech therapist in public schools including        involving the interaction of three elements: functions of
                                      10 years’ experience which she provided             communication, the environment, and communication
                                      district wide evaluations, implementation           partners. This will include a discussion about how to

           Stephanie Reed             and follow-through, and district wide staff         move beyond requesting and what to do as the
           B.A., COMD ATACP           development in Assistive Technology                 communication partner. Additionally, participants will
                                      evaluations. She has been employed by               learn about the importance of creating communication

                  Texas               Saltillo Corporation since 2011 as an AAC           opportunities, and how to do so for their clients.
                                      Consultant for the state of Texas.                  Examples will be used throughout the seminar and
                                                                                          participants will have hands on experience using
                                      Stephanie has provided professional                 several tools to help clients achieve authentic
                                      development in the area of AAC for the              communication.
                                      Texas Speech and Hearing Association
                                      Annual Conferences, Texas Assistive
                                      Technology Network State Conferences, as
                                      well as various school districts, rehabilitation    **Note: 1.5-hour course
                                      centers and hospitals around the state of
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