Page 9 - May 2019 WEBINAR SCHEDULE
P. 9

Melissa Malani, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-CL is a         Model and Grow Language: Part 1
                                      practicing speech-language pathologist, a           This workshop will present research-based techniques
                                      professional developer, adjunct instructor          to increase communication for individuals using a
                                      for UCF, and the Northeastern Florida AAC           speech generating device (SGD) via communication
                                      consultant for Saltillo Corporation. Dr.            partner education.  Participants will learn about
                                      Malani is a Board-Certified Childhood               communication and communication characteristics
                                      Language Specialist, has participated in            common to both partners, how to increase
                                      numerous research projects, co-authored             communication by modifying their own behaviors, and
                                      peer-reviewed journal articles and                  six techniques to incorporate into everyday
                                      presentations, and professional                     communicative contexts.  Participants will view video
                                      development workshops.  She has been an             scenarios of various communication partner roles and

            Northeast Florida         invited author and presenter for several            communication contexts, as well as situations they may
                                      topics including adolescent language and            encounter on a regular basis with the individual using
                                      literacy, digital literacy, and                     the SGD.
                                      augmentative/alternative communication.
                                      As an adjunct instructor with UCF, Dr. Malani

                                      teaches numerous graduate and
                                      undergraduate courses and has served as a
                                      program coordinator with community
                                      organizations to promote experiential               Model and Grow Language: Part 2
                                      student learning for AAC.  She is an active         This workshop will present a research-based strategy to
                                      member of the American Speech-Language              increase communication for individuals using a speech

                                      Hearing Association (ASHA), the Florida             generating device (SGD) via communication partner
                                      Association of Speech-Language                      education.  Participants will learn about a simple 3-4
                                      Pathologists and Audiologists (FLASHA), and         step strategy to incorporate into everyday
                                      the International Literacy Association (ILA).       communicative contexts.  Participants will view videos
                                                                                          of various communication partner roles across
                                                                                          communication contexts, as well as situations they may
                                                                                          encounter on a regular basis with the individual using
                                                                                          the SGD.

                                                                                          Note:  This is a two-part series.  In order to gain the
                                                                                          most knowledge and experience, it is recommended
                                                                                          you take both seminars.
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