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1.13.0 NOVA Chat Software Update

 -Added an Automatic Update option, see instructions below

-updates no longer require multiple downloads if not the latest, note the new updaters allow for one download as long as they are at 1.2.0 or newer

-Note: if Auto Update is On, need to avoid the Update Manager – choose Menu – turn Off Auto Update, Auto Install, reopen NC

 -added Lisa adult female Acapela Australian

 -5.1 systems can now be updated with latest software

 -having menu lock on during an update no longer causes a problem

 -NCE – Help>Check online for new version option and lets you download the updater from here

 -we removed the Android voice option in Dedicated systems

 -added 10 new locking and 10 new non-locking modifiers

 -Long press on Back button exits the Help Index

 To download the NOVA Chat 1.13.0 Software Update, go to Downloads, choose your language and download the appropriate NOVA chat Software Update.  Instructions for updating are included with the downloaded files.


Updating NOVA chat

Be sure to check for available NOVA chat software updates on a regular basis. You can either download updates from the website or download and install them automatically.

Downloading Updates from the Website

  1. Go to
  2. Select your device.
  3. Select your language under “Downloads”.
  4. Click the latest update link to download a .Zip file that contains the update files and instructions.

Downloading and Installing Updates Automatically

Note: You must be connected to WiFi to download updates automatically.

The “Allow WiFi Download” and “Auto Install” options are selected by default on your device. Leave both options selected. To verify that the options are selected are selected:

  1. Choose Menu  > Help > Check for Updates > Menu .


  1. If either option is not selected, select the box to insert a green checkmark.

To check for, download, and install updates:

  1. Choose Menu  > Help. The Help screen will be displayed.


  1. Choose Check for Updates. A screen will show “Check Now” along with the current software version, when you last checked for updates, and the date and time of the last update.


  1. To check for available updates, choose Check Now. When the system finds one or more updates to install, a window will give you the option to install the update software or cancel.


  1. Choose Install. “Installing” will be displayed below a  progress bar while the installation is in progress.


Note: The number of updates to install can vary. When prompted, follow the on-screen instructions.

  1. When the installation is complete, the screen will show “The Update Completed Successfully”.

Alternative #1: Download Updates Automatically and Install Them Manually

Note: You must be connected to WiFi to download updates automatically.

Leave “Allow WiFi Download” selected, but de-select “Auto Install”. To do this, choose Menu  > Help > Check for Updates > Menu .

Update files will download automatically, but will not be installed. The next time you restart NOVA chat, “Check Now” will be displayed on your device screen. Choose Check Now and then select the update.

Alternative #2: Download and Install Updates Manually

De-select both “Allow WiFi Download” and “Auto Install”. Choose Menu  > Help > Check for Updates. Choose Check Now and select the available update(s).