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Explore AAC App Tips In One Convenient Location

Posted on 2023-01-24 08:47:11 by Admin under Resources & Tips

Stay in the know with your favorite PRC-Saltillo AAC iOS Apps. Tutorials, support videos, and technology features can now be found on one YouTube Channel. Explore the ever-growing list of resources for LAMP Words for Life®, TouchChat®, and Dialogue® AAC and subscribe to the new channel today.

There’s always something to learn with our trio of AAC apps because great new features become available regularly. PRC-Saltillo offers unmatched training and support so you can make the most of your language technology. Our TIPS team, that’s Training and Implementation Products and Services for short, is dedicated to bringing you the latest information and step-by-step teaching tools. Their expert advice as speech-language pathologists and assistive technology gurus will elevate your knowledge and help you and your communication partners succeed in AAC.

On the new channel, you’ll find resources for new AAC learners as well as long-time app aficionados. It’s a great place for everyone on the AAC team to find quick videos, read-alouds, and game-changing tips for all of our industry-leading AAC apps.

  • Explore the “Start Your Engines” classes that are available for TouchChat and LAMP Words for Life that will help AAC teams and families who just purchased these apps to cover the basics and begin with confidence
  • Check out our implementation playlist for videos that show ways to engage AAC learners
  • Plus, our app update videos will give you the most current info on features that will enhance the user experience

We’re making it easy for you to discover helpful tips and interactive tools for all of our industry-leading AAC apps in one convenient location. Subscribe today!

If there’s a topic you’d like to see highlighted on the new channel, let us know. Contact the TIPS team at

*Note: The previous TouchChat App YouTube Channel ( has expanded to become the new AAC Apps Channel. While the old link will no longer be active, all previous videos will still be accessible through the new link. Plus, new videos are being added regularly.

Not an AAC app user yet? AAC apps can be a great start into your exploration of AAC vocabulary and technology. They can supplement other AAC strategies or serve as standalone. They can also be helpful in teaching family members and friends how AAC works. These apps can be purchased separately and immediately downloaded for your iOS device, such as an iPad or iPhone, or they are available on a funded speech-generating device like the Via® Mini or Via Pro.

Interested in getting one of our industry-leading apps on a funded device? Connect with a PRC-Saltillo Consultant today!

Back-to-School Implementation Ideas At Your Fingertips

Posted on 2022-08-24 10:21:10 by Admin under Resources & Tips

Make Practice Time Fun with Your AAC Learner

Score points with the AAC learners in your life with implementation ideas that make practicing with speech-generating devices fun and engaging! Our fan favorite online resources AAC Language Lab® and ChatCorner will help you plan your implementation strategies for success with AAC throughout the school year.

Win Big with AAC Language Lab

Practice skills for lifelong communication success with this comprehensive online resource developed for teachers, clinicians, and parents to support language development and communication with AAC at school, work, and home environments. Free one-year subscription ($19.95 value) with every new PRC-Saltillo device or Group Coaching enrollment.

  • Fun, motivational activities perfect for the whole class or family to share
  • Real-life solutions in support of language development
  • Easy-to-understand lesson plans and activities that will have your AAC learner asking for more!
  • Interactive materials designed for educators, parents, and speech-language pathologists (SLPs)
  • Free resources including parent guides, sample lesson plans, lite-tech communication boards and more give you the opportunity to explore before subscribing
  • Plus more!

All-Star Support with ChatCorner

You’ll find tools to help support language development at ChatCorner. With examples of games, simple stories, and a toolbox to help you plan your implementation strategies, you’ll have resources to make AAC communication fun! Check out all the free resources ChatCorner has to offer:

  • Calendar supports
  • Lite-tech communication board options
  • Planning for Core resources
  • Books and stories supports
  • Tips for success
  • And more!

 Huddle up your team and get ready to help AAC learners practice their communication skills this school year with everything AAC Language Lab® and ChatCorner have to offer!

Better Hearing & Speech Month: Communication Disorders in Adults

Posted on 2019-05-20 17:48:33 by Admin under Resources & Tips

Communication disorders impact people of all ages. For adults, there are a variety of diseases and disorders that can affect their communication abilities: stroke, traumatic brain injury, ALS, other progressive diseases (Parkinson’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease, Primary Progressive Aphasia, etc.). Adults with these disorders/diseases still have something to say and want to participate in their lives by talking to their spouses and families, making medical decisions, and more.

 Aphasia, a disorder caused by damage to the parts of the brain where language is stored, may affect the ability to comprehend language, to express oneself, to read, or to spell and write. For persons with aphasia, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) has been proven to be an effective intervention strategy, especially to move beyond treatment of just the impairment.

 Saltillo's vocabulary file “Communication Journey: Aphasia” can be easily adapted for use by people with different types of aphasia and a range of cognitive levels and degrees of severity. Derived from the Life Participation Approach to Aphasia from the Aphasia Institute in Toronto, Canada, this vocabulary file's User Guide is full of comprehensive, easy-to-understand information. This is especially important because spouses or family members often help people with aphasia use their device to communicate.

 Be sure to stay tuned with us in June as we go more in-depth about Communication Journey: Aphasia during Aphasia Awareness Month!

Better Hearing & Speech Month: Communication Disorders in School-Aged Children

Posted on 2019-05-13 12:51:48 by Admin under Resources & Tips

A common theme you've probably noticed in our blog and social media posts this month is that it's never too early – or too late – to use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). To help facilitate and support language development, PRC-Saltillo's AAC Language Lab is an excellent and fun resource for SLPs, educators, and parents as they assist communicators in all stages of development. Here are three things you may not know about the AAC Language Lab:

FREE lesson plans, activities and other resources make it easy to "try before you buy" an annual subscription…who doesn't love free resources to help facilitate language!?

Activities AND lesson plans can be filtered by a variety of categories. You can search based on stage of language development, specific words, specific language skills, or functions of language, etc. 

AAC Language Lab activities aren't just for AAC users! They can be used in groups with verbal kids, too, to target different language concepts. For AAC users, we've done the work to give you the supports you need!