“Communication Journey: Aphasia” is a vocabulary file containing features and vocabulary designed to support people with aphasia. It is unlikely that any client would use the full original template, even with customized pages. The person using the file will have increased success when it has been customized to meet their specific needs. This may include decreasing the number of button on a page and/or the number of pages to navigate. Clients learn how to use the Chat software as a communication device by training with the most pertinent pages or symbols.
The customized file will be unique for each individual. To help guide you through the process of customization and implementation, check out the Client Information Form, CAYA resource and the device manual.
Looking to learn more about aphasia and AAC? Check out these upcoming live online opportunities:
- The SGD Has Been Shipped – Now What? Supporting Adults with Aphasia using AAC
- Theories & Principles of AAC Interface Design for People with Aphasia