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Computer Controls And Vocab Updates For Chat Software Version 2.44

Posted on 2023-09-05 09:06:09 by Admin under News

Computer Controls Available with the New InputStick

Check out the new device accessory that empowers NovaChat communicators with computer controls! Purchase your InputStick, a wireless USB receiver and use your AAC vocabulary as a keyboard. InputStick connects your NovaChat and your Windows®-based PC, Mac®, or Chromebook™ without cables. When using touch or scanning access methods, Chat Software now has the ability to type text, and with customized vocab buttons, perform specific functions or launch applications on a computer.

The InputStick accessory provides a great next step for independent computer work as well as communication across digital channels. Experience seamless typing when using your personalized AAC vocabulary file and features like word prediction. Enjoy the benefits of creating a document or sending a message in less time and with less frustration. The best part? Providing fun and engaging opportunities will encourage your communicator to keep using their AAC device. Everyone wins!

Purchase your InputStick

Getting started with computer controls

  • InsertInputStick to your computer’s USB drive
  • Use your existing vocabulary buttons to type
  • Add computer controls commands to buttons within your vocabulary file to move between apps, move your cursor around, make selections, copy/paste, and more

Watch the video for details of this first phase of computer controls with NovaChat.


Vocabulary Updates for WordPower® Files

All WordPower Files

  • Microsoft Word link corrected on the “Write to Apps” page
  • On the social page, a button for “But I don’t I know what” is available following the selection of the “Something’s wrong!” button

WordPower 60 Baisc & WordPower 42 Basic

  • A new logical next word has been added; following the selection of the “open” button, you will now see a button for “the door”

All Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) Files

  • You’ll notice symbol corrections throughout the files including the image for cloudy highlighted below

Looking to grow your communication partner skills? AAC Coaching Corner offers eLearning geared towards parents, families, and professionals to advance your AAC knowledge with the support of a coach and a group. Fall sessions are starting soon. Learn more.

Head Tracking And More In App Update 2.44

Posted on 2023-08-30 15:02:09 by Admin under News

Check out the latest changes in TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.44.

Introducing Head Tracking for the LAMP Words for Life app

Head tracking is now available for LAMP Words for Life bringing this research-based vocabulary to more individuals with complex bodies. It also makes this powerful access method available for all three PRC-Saltillo AAC apps!

It’s exciting that individuals who benefit from head tracking will have another option where the motor plan stays unique and consistent,” said John Halloran, M.S., CCC-SLP, co-creator of Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP™).

Simply turn on the head tracking feature located in the settings menu of your app. You’ll also find options for customizing tracking speed, cursor smoothing, and more. Consider a larger iPad allowing for larger button size to encourage AAC success for those new to this communication access method.

Visit our robust online support articles to learn more about head tracking on iOS and other app features.

Vocabulary Updates for LAMP Words for Life (Full)

  • The phonics page now includes initial consonant blends and final word endings
  • Smoking icons are no longer present
  • Diverse skin tones are now available in body part icons (English file only)

New Features for TouchChat

  • In-app purchases are now automatically restored if you install TouchChat on another device
  • French Acapela voices are now bundled together in a single in-app purchase of $11.99
  • Canadian French vocab files are now available among standard vocabs without having to download through the Upgrade Store – view screenshots of MultiChat 15 français, Épeler (Spelling), 4 de base (4-Basic), Communication Journey: Aphasie français, and VocabPC français

Vocabulary Updates for WordPower® Files in TouchChat

All WordPower files

  • Microsoft Word link corrected on the “Write to Apps” page
  • On the social page, a button for “But I don’t know what!” is available following the selection of the “Something’s wrong!” button

But I dont Want To WordPower Button

WordPower60 Basic & WordPower42 Basic

  • A new logical next word has been added; following the selection of the “open” button, you will now see a button for “the door”

WordPower Door File Icon

All Picture Communication Symbols (PCS) Files

  • You’ll notice symbol updates throughout the files including the image for cloudy highlighted below

Updated Cloudy PCS File

New Features for Dialogue AAC

  • Whiteboard, an app for drawing, collaborating, and sharing, is now available in the Dialogue AAC app for Essence® 60 and 84 vocabulary files (English only for 2.44) – locate the new button within the tools pages

Whiteboard App Button

Looking to grow your communication partner skills? AAC Coaching Corner offers eLearning geared towards parents, families, and professionals to advance your AAC knowledge with the support of a coach and a group. Fall sessions are starting soon. Learn more.

What’s New For Chat Software Version 2.43

Posted on 2023-07-03 09:29:39 by Admin under News

It’s time to update your NovaChat® and access new vocabulary words and features. To update your speech-generating device, start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check for Updates and follow the prompts.

New Chat Software Features

You can now customize your Chat Software to highlight words in the speech-display bar when they are spoken. This will increase the connection between the written word and the spoken word. Visit the literacy section of the application settings menu to select this new feature; visit the style section to choose your highlight color.

Watch the video to see this new feature in action.


Here are your WordPower® vocabulary updates.

All English WordPower files
The Social page now includes a button to let someone know that “something’s wrong.”

All WordPower files (except WordPower 20 Simply)
A button for Microsoft Word is now available on the Writing to Apps page. Activating this button will open Microsoft Word if you have it installed on your device. Note: if you are on a larger WordPower file, you will not have to select the more groups page.

WordPower 80
Verbs are updated on the main page. A button for the verb “wear” now follows pronoun selection and the verb “wear” now has a link to clothes.

WordPower 42 Basic, 60 Basic, 80, 108, 140
Food and drinks categories are updated with button actions to let you say “I drank” and “I ate.”

WordPower 60 Basic
Check out the actions page to activate the following core verb buttons: choose, fold, hide, hug, kick, pick, and share. The verb melt is now available through the Actions A-Z button.

WordPower 42 Basic
Check out the actions page to activate the following core verb buttons: choose, cut, fold, hug, share, and squeeze. The verbs melt and hide are now available through the Actions A-Z button.

Looking for fun and interactive ways to practice AAC vocabulary this summer? Check out the AAC Language Lab Summer Camp 2023. Practice AAC with five weeks of action-packed themed materials. Enroll today through AAC Learning Journey.

Check Out The Latest Improvements To Your AAC Apps In Version 2.43

Posted on 2023-06-30 09:18:39 by Admin under News

Check out the latest improvements to TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.43.  

Additional head tracking options for TouchChat & Dialogue 

There are several ways to customize head tracking in the settings menu including tracking speed, trigger action such as hover, cursor smoothing, and more. With app update 2.43, you’ll now have more options for hover time with head tracking. Choose the time that works best for you to access your vocabulary system. 

Looking for more information about head tracking within the TouchChat app? Check out these head tracking support articles including a list of the most frequently asked questions. 

Engage for iOS – a new AAC assessment tool for TouchChat 

Explore the new Engage for iOS file designed to help evaluators and consultants with assessments related to access needs. Available in SymbolStix (SS) and Picture Communication Symbols® (PCS), this new tool can help determine which vocabulary file and access settings work best for an individual. 

Added Canadian French Translations in TouchChat 

You may notice a language addition in menu prompts. Within TouchChat, Canadian French translations have been added, so when you put your iOS device in Canadian French or European French, you will now see app menu prompts in Canadian French. 

This is also a great opportunity to remind you of the 19th Biennial ISAAC Conference taking place July 24-27 in Cancún, Mexico. PRC-Saltillo is pleased to be part of an organization striving to make AAC available around the world.  

Watch the video to learn about these new features.

Looking for fun and interactive ways to practice vocabulary with your iOS app? Check out the AAC Language Lab Summer Camp 2023. Practice AAC with five weeks of action-packed themed materials. Enroll today through AAC Learning Journey.