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New Features included in 1.7.0 NOVA Chat Software Update

NCE = items added to NOVA Chat Editor     NC = items added to NOVA Chat Device

NCE – Edit Mode indication is moved to Title Bar

NC – Option of icons in the Speech Display Bar

NC – Added the camera option to Button Properties menu while editing buttons

NC & NCE – Speech Display Bar window can be displayed at bottom or top of screen

NC & NCE – Gestures

NC & NCE – Show Icons On/Off

NC & NCE – Hide/Show Multiple Buttons at Once

NC & NCE – added additional Metacom symbols to library

NC – Added Scanning option of Auto Restart On/Off

NC & NCE added German templates


 Icons in the Speech Display Bar

You can choose to show icons in the SDB or not from this menu.

  • tap on Menu  >Settings>Style


A Gesture is a motion that can be made to the NOVA chat’s screen to trigger a specific Action.  An example of a Gesture might be a “swipe down” on the screen that would clear the text from the Speech Display Bar.  Gestures can be specific to one particular page or they can be added to each page within the vocabulary file.

We understand that Gestures might not be a benefit to all of our customers, so there is an On/Off option in the Settings Menu.  To turn Gestures On or Off, choose Menu>Settings>Input>Gestures and either check or uncheck the Gestures option.

  • To create a Gesture specific to a Single Page:
    • Open the page to create the gesture for
    • Turn Edit Mode On, Menu>Edit Mode
    • Choose Menu>Edit Page
    • Choose the Gestures tab at the top of the page
    • Choose New (bottom of the page)
    • Choose the type of Gesture needed from the top drop down menu of Gesture Types, i.e. One Finger Swipe Down
    • You can give your gesture a label, i.e. sw clears, when adding a label, the message box is filled automatically.  This can be left or removed if you don’t want the Gesture to speak.
    • Choose the Add an Action drop down menu and find the appropriate Action, i.e. Clear Display and choose it
    • Choose Done on the Keyboard
    • Choose Save twice
    • Close Edit Mode, Menu>Edit Mode

Test the Gesture by performing the Gesture to the display on the specific page it was set up on.

  • To create a Gesture for All Pages within a Vocabulary File:
    • Open the Vocabulary File to create the gesture for
    • Turn Edit Mode On, Menu>Edit Mode
    • Choose Menu>Edit Vocabulary
    • Choose New (bottom of the page)
    • Choose the type of Gesture needed from the top drop down menu of Gesture Types, i.e. One Finger Swipe Down
    • You can give your gesture a label, i.e. sw clears all, when adding a label, the message box is filled automatically.  This can be left or removed if you don’t want the Gesture to speak.
    • Choose the Add an Action drop down menu and find the appropriate Action, i.e. Clear Display and choose it
    • Close the Keyboard
    • Choose Save twice
    • Close Edit Mode, Menu>Edit Mode

Test the Gesture by performing the Gesture to the display from any pages within the Vocabulary File

  • To Edit or Remove a Gesture:

Follow the appropriate (single page or all pages within Vocab File) steps above and instead of choosing New, choose the existing Gesture from the listing and choose either Edit or Remove and complete the process.

Note:  To use Gestures Dwell time must be turned Off.  If the device user required a Dwell Time for access, then Gestures are not suggested.

Hide/Show Multiple Buttons at Once

  • Enter Edit Mode
  • Choose Menu>Hide Mode 

This turns on the Hide Mode, you now have three options:

  • While in Hide Mode, choosing buttons one by one will hide or show them
  • Choose Menu>Hide All, this will hide all buttons on the current page
  • Choose Menu>Show All, this will show all buttons that had previously been hidden on the current page

To Exit Hide Mode, choose Menu>Hide Mode

If you hide buttons to work on a particular curriculum and would like to save those settings for your next session, choose the menu option to Show Hidden Buttons.  This will remember all of the currently hidden buttons.  To show all hidden buttons, choose Menu>Settings>Input>check Show Hidden Buttons

To start where you left off during your last session, choose Menu>Settings>Input>uncheck Show Hidden Buttons

To download the NOVA Chat 1.7.0 Software Update, go to Downloads, choose your language and download both the NOVA Chat Editor 1.7.0 and the NOVA Chat Software Update version 1.6.0 to 1.7.0.  Instructions for updating are included with the downloaded files.