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  • 2.16.0 Chat Software  

    This release of Chat Software contains miscellaneous corrections as well as a number of miscellaneous vocabulary file updates.

  • WordPower files were also updated with the following:

  • All Word Power files- Enhanced and expanded SOCIAL pages
    - The verb “want” is automatically followed by the infinitive form of the verb on the main page 
    o i.e. “I want” + to go
    - All DESCRIBING word pages are now organized using opposite concepts 
    - The verb “feel” now just opens to a FEELINGS page rather than all DESCRIBING words
    o Also true in Spanish files (me siento, te sientes, etc.)
    - Better consistency of symbols used across all vocabulary files
    - The word “let’s” now more consistently available on English ACTIONS pages

    WordPower48/60 Español Básico

    - Easier to say “tu turno” – from the main page beginning with pronoun “tú”
    - Added verbs – “prender” (turn on), and “apagar” (turn off)
    - Added “turn it on/off/up/down” to TV page to match cells on English file

    WordPower60 Basic

    - Added “think” within categories following pronoun “I”
    - New logical next words – ride > bike, horse
    Take > a ride, a walk

    Basic Files

    - Ability to say, “I would like to order…” within FOOD and DRINKS pages
    - Ability to specify “small,” “medium,” “large,” on DRINKS page

     To download the Chat 2.16.0 Software Update, make a wireless connection, go to Menu>Help>Check for Updates on your device to initiate an automatic update or go to Downloads from this website, choose your language and download the appropriate Chat Software Update to manually copy to your device.