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2.21 Chat Software

New Features

New Ivona voice of Jennifer, an adult US English female voice

You can now backup your data log file to your Saltillo USB drive

Simplified process for using Templates

Now offers a separate Date and Time option

Word Power Vocabulary File Changes

WordPower60 Basic

-          Improved negative contraction in core vocab – I can’t, she wasn’t, you couldn’t, etc.

-          The word Feel was moved

WordPower60 Basic & WordPower42 Basic

-          Addition of emojis on “I feel” pages and on SOCIAL page

-          Emojis slightly enlarged and expanded (from Shift) page

-          Share Text action available on GROUPS page


WordPower60 Español Basico

-          Addition of emojis on “me siento” pages and on FRASES page

-          Emojis slightly enlarged and expanded (from Shift) page

-          Share Text action available on GROUPS page


  • To download the Chat 2.21 Software Update, make a wireless connection, go to Menu>Help>Check for Updates on your device to initiate an automatic update or go to Downloads from this website, choose your language and download the appropriate Chat Software Update to manually copy to your device.