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There are no new features available in the 2.25 Chat Software release.  Needed maintenance work was completed. There were some WordPower Vocabulary updates made.

 WordPower60 Español Basico

  • DESCRIBE link added to ANIMALES pages
  • Subjunctive verb form added for main page of verbs following verbs “querer, esperer, necisitar”

 WordPower48 Español and WordPower48 Español Basico

  • EMOJIS now available on the “pronoun siento” pages
  • EMOJIS now available on the FRASES page for some of the conversational maintainers such as:

¡Que bien!


¡Ni modo!

 WordPower48 Español Basico

  • CUERPO page modified so that you can now say, ie, “Yo huelo con mi nariz; Yo veo con mis ojos, etc.”
  • Added FONETICA (PHONETICS) pages, and easy spelling and numbers pages

 All Spanish files  - some updates to verbs for consistency between Spanish and English

WP20, 25, 140  Numeric characters corrected that were  still speaking when the 'Speak Characters' option is turned off on the WordPower 20, 25 and 140 vocabs.

 All WordPower files

  • Capital of Kentucky is corrected

To download the Chat 2.25.0 Software Update, go to Menu>Help>Check for Updates on your device to initiate an automatic update or go to Downloads from this website, choose your language and download the appropriate Chat Software Update to manually copy to your device.