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Chat Software 2.30.0 Update includes:

New Features

  • Renamed "Settings" to "Application Settings"
  • Added a new menu that include Vocabulary specific settings, called "Vocabulary Settings" (only available while in Edit Mode)
  • Skin Tone Randomizer – this feature is specific to Symbol Stix images that have skin tone options
  • We updated the SymbolStix symbol library (includes Covid images)
  • We updated the PCS symbol library (includes Covid images)


WordPower Updates 

-          Symbol updates across files

WP120 français 

-          Corrections to spelling of geographical terms (states, countries, provinces, etc.)

-          Corrections to some of the verbs with multiple words in the message


To download the Chat 2.30.0 Software Update, go to Menu>Help>Check for Updates on your device to initiate an automatic update or go to Downloads from this website, choose your language and download the appropriate Chat Software Update to manually copy to your device.