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Chat Software 2.39 Update includes:

New Acapela Voices, Malik (Child Male, US English), Tiana (Child Female, US English) and Constance (Adult, France French)

A new setting to toggle speech of post-morphing grammar actions while the sentence is being generated.  Once the sentence is complete and spoke by adding punctuation or the Speech Display Bar.  The complete sentence is spoken with the conjugation.

Enabled: speaks both the initial word and grammatically correct word ("car" and "cars")
Disabled: speaks only the initial word ("car") 

ChatEditor 2.39 Update

Removed page animation when programming linking buttons.  Setting added to Button Properties if needed.  ChatEditor includes all vocabulary updates listed above. 

To download the Chat 2.39 Software Update, go to Menu>Help>Check for Updates on your device to initiate an automatic update or go to Downloads from this website, choose your language and download the appropriate Chat Software Update to manually copy to your device.