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You can back up and restore all user settings, including pronunciation exceptions, abbreviations, and learning word prediction and all profiles within vocabularies. As you set up your system, saving a user backup is recommended. You can then restore that data to the same device or a different device.

You might need to transfer settings with vocabularies when moving from a trial device to a purchased device or transferring from your device to a service loaner and back to your device.

To get started, choose Menu > Application Settings > System > User Backup/Restore. The User Backup/Restore menu opens.

Using a FlashDrive to create a Backup

  • Insert the USB flash drive provided by Saltillo into your device’s USB port.
  • Note: If the device’s file manager opens, use the device’s Back arrow  to close it.
  • From the User Backup/Restore menu, select User Backup. A keyboard page will open with a default name for the backup.
  • Change the name as needed.
  • Choose Save from the keyboard page. The Android File Manager will open.
  • Click on the icon in the upper left corner. Be sure that the USB drive is selected.
  • A backup screen will show the backup file name and “Save”. Choose Save.
  • When “The backup completed successfully” appears, choose OK to close the message and remove the USB drive from the device.

Using a FlashDrive to restore a backup 

Important! User Restore will overwrite existing user data on the device. Before using this option, verify that there is no unique information on the device that you need to keep.

  • Insert the USB flash drive provided by Saltillo into the USB port of the device to which you want to transfer the data. The device could be the original device from which you backed up the data or a different device to which you want to transfer the data.

Note: If the device’s file manager opens, use the device’s Back arrow  to close it.

  • From the User Backup/Restore menu, select User Restore. A restore screen will be displayed. Select the USB drive if it isn’t already selected.
  • Select the user backup file and choose Save. A message will appear: “Warning: Restoring a backup file will overwrite all user data, including custom vocabularies and settings. Continue?”
  • “Yes” and “No” options will be displayed. If you choose Yes, a “Please Wait” spinning wheel will be displayed.

Important! When the “Please Wait” spinning wheel stops, you may see a screen that shows “This backup was created on a device with a different set of features enabled. Some settings and/or features will be unavailable.  Do you wish to continue?” “Yes”, “Details”, and  “No” options will be displayed.

This message indicates that  some features that were available on the first device are not available on your new device. If you choose Details, a list of missing licenses will be displayed. Then you will see “Do you want to continue with the restore? Depending on your needs, select Continue or Cancel.

  • When the restore process is complete, remove the USB drive from the device.