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Google Drive is not accessible with Dedicated Systems.  These instructions work with Open Systems only.

You can back up and restore all user settings, including pronunciation exceptions, abbreviations, and learning word prediction and all profiles within vocabularies. As you set up your system, saving a user backup is recommended. You can then restore that data to the same device or a different device.

You might need to transfer settings with vocabularies when moving from a trial device to a purchased device or transferring from your device to a service loaner and back to your device.

These instructions are specific to using Google Drive instead of a USB-C thumb drive. Google Drive is a cloud storage and personal sharing platform by Google.

To Backup, 

  • Choose the Android Home button and go to Apps
  • Find Google Drive and log in
  • Close Google Drive app and open Nova Chat
  • Open the Menu>Application Settings>System>User Backup/Restore
  • Choose User Backup
  • Give it a unique name and Save
  • Find your Google Drive option (it should have your address tied to it)
  • Choose appropriate location and Save

 To Restore

  • Open the Menu>Application Settings>System>User Backup/Restore
  • Choose User Restore
  • Find your Google Drive option (it should have your address tied to it)
  • Choose appropriate backup
  • Confirm that you understand all existing device data will be overwritten by choosing Yes
  • Choose OK to confirm you know the system makes a backup of current system just in case you may need it later.
  • The NovaChat should be restored with backed up information