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By default, each time you save data to a file, you must enter a password. Entering a password helps ensure privacy—only you will be able to view the data. You can change this privacy password as often as you want, or you can eliminate the need for a privacy password.

To change your privacy password:

This procedure changes your data logging password only. It does not change your Realize Language account password.

  1. Choose Change Privacy Password from the Data Logging menu.
  2. Enter your old privacy password and choose Next.
  3. Enter your new privacy password in the New Password field and choose Next.
  4. Enter your new privacy password again in the Confirm Password field and choose Next.
  5. Choose Save.

To remove your privacy password:

If you prefer not to enter a password each time you save data to a file, use this procedure. Keep in mind, however, that you will also lose the privacy protection a password provides.

  1. Choose Change Privacy Password from the Data Logging menu.
  2. Enter your old privacy password and choose Next.
  3. Leave the New Password field blank and choose Next.
  4. Leave the Confirm Password field blank and choose Next.
  5. Choose Save.