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Opening the Chat Editor

  • Click on the Chat Editor icon 
  • You will be presented with a configuration box.
    • If you already have a configuration created, choose it now from the drop down menu and tap OK, it will load
    • If you do not have a configuration created yet, choose “Create new Configuration” from the drop down box, then tap OK
  • The Choose the product you will be supporting box
    • This box allows you to choose the different products the editor supports from the drop down menu. Choose the product you will be supporting (Nova Chat, TouchChat or WFL Nova Edition)
  • The Choose the language you will be supporting box
    • This box allows you to choose the language you will be supporting on the device.
    • Choose the language you will be supporting (English, English & Netherlands, English & Français, English & Deutsch, English & Español or Deutsch)
  • The Choose the Symbol Set(s) you will be supporting
    • This box allows you to choose the symbol set that you will be supporting on the device.
    • Choose the Symbolset you will be supporting (SymbolStix, PCS, or SymbolStix & PCS)
  • The Name the Configuration box
    • This box allows you to name the configuration you just created.
    • Enter in a name and click on OK 
  • Chat Editor will now open and you can edit the files you wish.

Switch/Create a new configuration 

If you are supporting multiple device that have different needs due to the symbol sets or a different device all together, you can change the current configuration you are in or create a new one. 

To create/switch configurations: 

  • Click Settings
  • Choose Configurations
  • Choose Switch Configurations
  • From here, you can change the configuration or create a new one 

Delete a configuration 

There might come a time when you will no longer be supporting a device and you wish to delete the configuration for that device. 

To delete a configuration: 

  • Click Settings
  • Choose Configurations
  • Choose Delete
  • From here, you can delete the configurations you wish 

*Note: You cannot delete the current configuration you are in.  You will have to switch (or create) to a different configuration before you can delete that configuration.