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How to use iMessage

 (You must have an Open System to have access to iMessage)

 First, go to the iPad's Settings by tapping the icon that looks like gears turning.

  1. Scroll down the left-side menu until you locate Messages. Tapping this menu item will bring up the iMessage settings.
  2. iMessage should be on by default, but if the on/off slider next to it is set to off, tap the slider to turn iMessage back on.  You may be prompted to log in with your Apple ID at this point.
  3. Next, you will want to configure how you can be reached on iMessage.  Tap the button that reads "Send & Receive" just below the "Send Read Receipts" setting.
  4. The next screen will let you set up the addresses that you can be reached at using iMessage.  If you have an iPhone attached to your Apple ID, you should see the phone number listed here.  If you have several iPhones that log into the same address, you may see several phone numbers.  You will also see any email addresses you have attached to your account.
  5. If you have multiple phone numbers listed and you are the only user of the iPad, it may be better to uncheck any phone number that is not yours.  This will keep you from receiving text messages sent to other members of your family.   Friends and family can also send text messages to the email address you check on this screen.
  6. If you don't want to use your primary email address on your Apple ID?  You can add a new one via this screen.  Simply tap "Add Another Email..." and a new email address will be attached to your Apple ID account.

Note: You must have at least one destination checked on this screen if you have iMessage turned on.  So, if you want to uncheck your phone number but it is grayed out, you will need to check your email address or another phone number first.  

To use Texting from the Share menu option

  1. Create a message in TouchChat
  2. Press and hold on the SDB once the message is created
  3. Tap Share then tap Message
  4. The message should appear in the message window
  5. Tap on the “+” sign at the top right and select a contact to send the message to
  6. When contact is added, tap the up arrow beside your message to send it

To use the texting button

  1. Create a message in TouchChat
  2. Locate the texting button
    1. In WordPower, it is located on the Social page
    2. In MultiChat, it is located in the Things->More things page
    3. Tap on the Texting button
    4. The message should appear in the message window
    5. Tap on the “+” sign at the top right and select a contact to send the message to
    6. When contact is added, tap the up arrow beside your message to send it.