Saltillo recommends doing all programming on the DesktopChatSE software if possible. Developing vocabulary files in this way can be much quicker than doing so on the device itself. It also allows you to work on vocabulary files when the device itself isn’t available. These instructions work whether you are installing DesktopChat SE with PCS symbols or DesktopChat SE with Symbol Stix symbols. If you are trying to install a symbol library to an existing installation(Symbol Stix to a PCS installation for example), insert the DesktopChat SE Symbol Stix install CD and just update DesktopChat SE. Then when you run DesktopChat SE and select the Symbol Stix library, register it with the code on the back of the DesktopChat SE Symbol Stix jewel case. Now whenever you start DesktopChat SE, it will ask which symbol library you will want to work with.
DesktopChatSE Installation Instructions
The DesktopChatSE CD includes not only the DesktopChatSE software but also Microsoft Voices and a program for communicating between the ChatPC and the computer(Microsoft ActiveSync). The Microsoft Voices provide a voice for the DesktopChatSE software to use.
Installing with Windows XP:
Insert the DesktopChatSE CD into your computer.
- you should see a Saltillo CD Installer Screen appear (this may take a few moments), if not, you will need to navigate to your CD through Windows Explorer and choose setup.exe.
- the Saltillo CD Installer screen gives you three options of applications to load. ActiveSync, DesktopChatSE, and Microsoft Voices for SAPI 5.1. Note: ActiveSync V4.5 must be installed on the computer for DesktopChat SE to run properly. If it is already installed on the computer, there is no need to install it from the install CD. If it isn’t already installed on the computer, then you must install it from the install CD.
- If you want the DesktopChatSE to have synthetic speech and you have a compatible sound card (you probably do), you’ll also have to install the Microsoft voices. If so, check the voices option.
- choose Install
- Microsoft ActiveSync installs first and it may ask you to restart your computer once it is installed, choose to wait and restart later and install the DesktopChatSE and Voices at this point.
- step through the installation by choosing Next at each screen and follow the instructions
- take the CD out of your computer once the installation is complete
This has placed the DesktopChatSE application into your Programs folder.
Open the DesktopChatSE software:
- Open the program using the DesktopChatSE shortcut that was placed on your computers desktop during installation.
- Choose Help>Registration and enter the registration number that has been provided on the label that came with the DesktopChatSE CD (You only need to do this the first time).
Note: DesktopChatSE may look larger on your computer screen than it is on the device. Choose View>Screen to set the screen to match your device. The ChatPC-Silk uses a 480 x 640 VGA portrait screen. If you still can’t see all of DesktopChatSE Menus, go to the Control Panel>Display and choose the Appearance tab and change the font size to Normal.
Ensure proper installation:
To ensure that the DesktopChatSE application and its library installed properly onto the computer:
Choose File>Vocab File>Load Vocab File
In the listing of available Vocab Files there should be listed the Original Saltillo supplied vocabulary files including:
Vocab PC, 16 Basic, 16 Primary, Saltillo Sampler, PalmChat, MultiChat 15, myQuickChat 12(Adult), myQuickChat 12 (Child), myQuickChat 4 (Child), myQuickChat 8(Adult), myQuickChat 8 (Child), Spelling
Any of these can be chosen and explored by highlighting one and choosing it. Explore the page and button organization by choosing the buttons. Buttons with arrows in the corners will move to new pages. As you explore the page layouts, consider if one of these might work as a starting point for the intended device user.
The “Original” vocabulary files are not able to be modified. If one of the files would be appropriate for the device user, a copy will need to be made by choosing File>Vocab File>Save Vocab File As.
The device user’s vocabulary file can all be created using DesktopChatSE and then exported to the ChatPC-Silk for use.
Note: Your ChatPC-Silk device uses NeoSpeech, Acapela, or a Loquendo speech engine for speech synthesis, so speech will sound differently on your PC.
On DesktopChatSE right-clicking on the vocabulary window will open the context menus for editing.