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Scanning with Auditory Prompting on, provides not only a visual cue but an auditory cue to indicate where the scan is currently.  If you are scanning, simply activate your switch.  To retrieve a message, activate the switch again after you have heard the prompt. 

  • Auditory Prompt -> Audio Output Device
    • You can hear prompts through the device's speaker. You can also plug stereo headphones into the Headphone jack on the side of the case.  This allows you, but not others, to hear the prompts.  If you are using headphones, choose the Earphone option. 
  • Earphone Volume
    • Determines how loud the prompt is when using an earphone or headset. 
  • Scanning Beep
    • If a voice is not needed for the prompt, but some type of auditory cue is still needed, this will produce a beep noise as it is scanning  
  • Button Prompt
    • When Auditory Prompts are turned On, your device defaults to speaking the label of any button you activate.  This is whatever the label is that has been assigned to a specific button. If you changed a label during the storing process, the prompt will be whatever you changed the label to.  For example, you may have changed the UMBRELLA label to "Weather."  The prompt will be "Weather" in that case. 
  • Voice Settings
    • This is where you can adjust the voice that is used for the prompt. You can make it different from the actual output voice if desired. 
  • Edit Row Prompt (Found when editing the first button in a row on the vocab file)
    • Right click on the first button in the row, choose Edit Row Prompt from the drop down menu and add the appropriate prompt for that row.  Otherwise, the prompt will be spoken as “Row 1”, “Row 2”, etc.