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From the Account/Upload screen, select Auto Upload to insert a checkmark. Data collected since the last upload will upload immediately, and data will continue to upload automatically every 24 hours.

To set a specific upload time, deselect Auto Upload and then select it again at the time of day you want data uploaded. For example, if you want data to upload automatically at 5:00 each day, select Auto Upload at 5:00 on any given day. From that point, data will be uploaded at 5:00 each day.

Note: When you want to analyze data before the automatic upload time, you can choose Upload Now at any time.

Note: If you want to initiate all data uploads yourself, leave this option unselected and use Upload Now each time you want to upload data.

Initiating an Immediate Data Upload

Any time you want to upload data immediately, choose Upload Now. Data collected since your last upload will be uploaded immediately. The button label will change to “Uploading” while the upload is in progress. When the upload is complete, “Upload Completed” will appear near the bottom of the screen.

Note: You can use Upload Now even if Auto Upload is selected.