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We only use strictly necessary cookies for this website. Please see the privacy policy for more information.   

Profiles provide a Snapshot of the current settings of the system to be saved for easy access at a later time. 

Multiple profiles can be saved to be used when needed.  A button action is also provided to allow settings to be changed by a user’s button selection without the need to navigate the menus.

To create a New Profile:

  • Menu>Settings>Profiles>New 
  • give your profile a name, i.e. afternoon settings
  • make all of your setting changes that you want associated with this Profile, this includes the vocabulary file, the Settings, the Language, etc
  • choose Menu>Settings>Profiles>Save
  • choose your new profile i.e. afternoon settings

Your new profile has been created with all current settings.  To make changes to be associated with a new profile, repeat steps above, i.e. morning settings.