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Custom vocab files that are created on Nova Chat device or Nova Chat Editor versions 1.13 or older will not transfer into TouchChat. The custom vocab file HAS to be created on a NovaChat device or the Chat Editor running version 2.0 or higher. 

Copy Files from the NOVA chat Device to Chat Editor

  1. Turn the NOVA chat on.
  2. Connect the USB cable to the NOVA chat.
  3. Connect the other end of the cable to your computer.

Note: If you are using a NOVA chat 7 device, choose Mount; if you are using an original NOVA chat 5, choose Connect Storage to PC.

  1. In Chat Editor, choose Library > Transfer > Vocabs To/From Device.
  2. Check the vocabulary file to be exported from the Device File list.
  3. Select the To Editor box to move the file to the Chat Editor list.
  4. Choose Done

Note:  If you are using an original NOVA chat 5 or a NOVA chat 7, choose to safely remove the USB device from your computer. If you are using a NOVA chat 7, choose Turn Off; if you are using an original NOVA chat 5, choose Disconnect Storage from PC on the device screen.

  1. Unplug the cable between the device and computer.
  2. In Chat Editor, choose Library > My Resources and choose your file.
  3. Choose Open.

 There are a couple of ways to get the custom vocab file into TouchChat, by using either iTunes or iShare.

 Transfer Vocabulary Files from Chat Editor to the TouchChat Device using iTunes

  1. Open Chat Editor on your computer.
  2. Choose Library > Transfer > Vocabs to File. The Transfer box will appear.
  3. Highlight the file you want to transfer and click Transfer in the top left.
  4. Save your vocabulary file to your computer (remember where you save it).
  5. Open iTunes on the computer.
  6. Attach the device to the computer using your USB cable.
  7. Click on the device (left column) and go to the Apps section.
  8. Scroll down until you see TouchChat in the File Sharing area.
  9. Click on TouchChat. “Add File” should appear in the lower right-hand section.
  10. Click Add File. A Windows “Save” screen will appear.
  11. Locate the file you want to add to your device and tap Open.
  12. The file should appear in the TouchChat Documents section.
  13. Go to the device, open TouchChat, and go to the Vocab File list.
  14. Tap Menu in the top right and tap Import File.
  15. Select the file you want to import, then tap Save in the top right portion of the screen. Your imported file should appear in the Vocab File list.
  16. Select the file.

 Transfer Vocabulary Files from Chat Editor to the TouchChat Device using iShare

  1. Open Chat Editor on your computer.
  2. Choose Library > Transfer > Vocabs to File. The Transfer box will appear.
  3. Highlight the file you want to transfer and click on Transfer in the top left. A Windows “Save As” dialog box will appear.
  4. Save your vocabulary file to your computer (remember where you save it).

Important! Make sure that “.ce” remains at the end of the file name.

  1. After the file has been saved, open a browser window (Internet explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc..) on the computer and go to
  2. Log into your iShare account. If you do not have an account, go ahead and register for one.
  3. From the iShare account screen, click Add File.
  4. On the Add File screen, enter the information that is needed: name, revision, description, and keywords.
  5. Select which category you want your vocabulary file associated with.
  6. Select which type of file your vocabulary will be. This will make your file private, public, or a group file.
  7. Click the Browse button, find the vocabulary file you transferred from Chat Editor, click the file, and then click Open.
  8. Click Submit, just below the file area. This will bring you back to the browse file area, in which you should see your file listed.
  9. On your device, tap Vocab and tap Choose New Vocab.
  10. Choose Menu.
  11. Choose iShare Service.
  12. Log in using the iShare account you set up earlier.
  13. Choose the My Files folder.
  14. Find the vocabulary file in the category where you placed it.
  15. After choosing the file, in the file details screen, click the Download button on the bottom left.
  16. The “Download complete OK” screen should appear when the download is finished.
  17. Click the arrow on the top left of the screen until you see a “Done” square and click it.
  18. You should be back at the Vocab File screen, where your vocabulary file is listed.
  19. Choose your vocabulary file.