- Plug your USB drive into the Alt-Chat that has the file already.
- Tap on File->Export.
- Tap on the down arrow and select your file and then tap on Export.
- When it is finished exporting, your file will be in the Export folder on the USB drive.
- Start DesktopChat SE on the computer.
- DesktopChat SE will see the file and start automatically importing after 30 seconds.
- After it is finished importing, click on File->Vocab File->Load Vocab File and select the file
and click on OK to load it into the window of DesktopChat SE. - Tap on File->Export
- Chose Export to File from drop down
- Tap OK
- Chose the file you want to export to PC
- Chose a location for the file
- Name the file under file name (Note: remove the *.prt from the name field before naming)
- Tap Save
- Close DesktopChatSE
- Go to to location where the file from AltChat is saved
- Right click and copy file
- Open the NovaChat Editor import folder that is located on the desktop of the PC
- Paste the AltChat file inside that import folder.
- Start NovaChat Editor on the PC (Note: Make sure NovaChat Editor is not in Edit Mode)
- NovaChat Editor will see the file and start automatically importing after 30 seconds
- After it is finished importing, click on Library->My Resources, select the file and click open
- It will load into the window of NovaChat Editor
- Attach NOVA Chat device to computer
- Choose Library from Editor, then Transfer , then Vocab To/From Device
- From the transfer screen, check the vocab file or files you wish to transfer to the NOVA Chat device:
- Click on To Device button
- Choose Done to Close the Transfer Window on the Editor
- Disconnect the device from the computer
- On the device, choose Menu>Library>newly transferred file>Open