Check the following items that might prevent Word Prediction from working;
- Click Edit->Advanced Settings and see if Word Prediction is enabled. If not check mark the box to enable Static Word Prediction and then tap on OK to see if it is working(if the box is grayed out it may be that the device does not have word prediction - check the model number - it must be a Plus or a Dedicated Plus model or check with the Saltillo Corporation - 877-397-0178).
- Click File->Language. See if English is checkmarked. If not, checkmark it. Now try Word Prediction and see if it is working.
- Clear the Speech Display Bar and then type in a letter and see if Word Prediction is working.
- Double check that the registration code is typed in correctly.
- On the ChatPC-Silk itself it may be that the cpcsettings file is corrupt and needs to be deleted.
- Tap on File->Exit(if it is a dedicated device, call Saltillo Corporation(877-397-0178) and get a registration code that allows you to exit the software).
- Tap on the Windows Flag in the upper left corner of the screen and tap on Programs.
- Tap on File Explorer.
- Tap on the down arrow beside My Documents and select CF Card.
- Tap on the 2577 folder.
- Look for the cpcsettings file. Press and hold on the file to get the pop up menu.
- Tap on Delete. Answer yes if it asks if you want to delete the file.
- Now do a soft reset(push and release the recessed reset button on the right side of the unit) and allow the software to restart.