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Getting a speech-generating device funded is a multi-step process that can fill speech-language pathologists with questions and fears. Who can do an AAC evaluation? What goes into the AAC evaluation report? What other documents are needed? If you have asked these questions, then this class is for you. This session will walk through the process from gathering your assessment information, putting the evaluation report together, submitting needed funding documents, to what happens after submitting to the funding source.  


Learning Outcomes: 

  1. List the needed information for an AAC evaluation report.
  2. Identify the needed pieces of a funding package in their state.
  3. Describe the typical funding submission process.
  4. Summarize the possible outcomes from a funding source.


Introductions – 5 minutes

Review how we got here – 15 minutes

Putting together an evaluation report – 30 minutes

Assembling a funding package – 10 minutes

Submitting a complete package – 5 minutes

Submission Process – 10 minutes

Approvals, Deferrals, and Denials – 10 minutes

Resources – 5 minutes

Click here for instructor bio and disclosures

Please note the following details regarding this course:

  • You must register for this course using your own AACLJ account.
  • All attendees will have the opportunity to download a Certificate of Attendance/Completion, depending on the class.
  • ASHA CEU and certificate eligibility require complete live attendance.
  • Certificates will be available to participants with verified attendance within a 2-week processing period.

If this is an online training:

  • Please check that your Zoom software is up to date prior to the course start time.
  • Pop-up blockers can prevent the join button from working properly. Disable any pop-up blockers or allow an exception for AAC Learning Journey.
  • Chrome, Firefox, or Edge are the recommended browsers.


Session Dates:

No Dates Scheduled. Check back soon!