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Let’s talk about our senses and our feelings. Saltillo’s 2020 Calendar is designed to help support an early communicator using Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC). This year, our calendar focuses on senses and feelings. Sensory issues, emotions, and behavior are often discussed in the context of children and language development. Is it behavior? Is it sensory? These questions are asked more and more often. We hope you and your team find this resource helpful as you begin to acquire sensational knowledge to ‘put it all together’ in your Communication Journey. January starts off with an overview of our eight senses. Monthly topics and tips for success include: hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching, balancing, feeling, moving, and state of being. For the additional months we chose to create units on the Environment and Families. 

Monthly Books: We are pleased to continue our tradition of including a monthly book to provide a context for learning specific core words about our senses and emotions. Check out Saltillo’s YouTube Channel to see and hear these books, with symbol support, being read aloud. Most of the selected books are commercially available in libraries and book stores. Find the monthly read-aloud stories under Books & Stories

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