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This guest webinar was sponsored by PRC-Saltillo.

We are living in unprecedented times and navigating unchartered waters where we cannot go back to yesterday because the world is different today. During this presentation, Heidi shares her process in getting started with teletherapy, the equipment she uses, and the ideal versus reality of doing teletherapy during a global pandemic and beyond. Participants will be presented with different models of teletherapy and different services offered such as AAC device trials and coaching.

Suggestions on how to determine an appropriate teleAAC model for a variety of clients will be explored based on experience with AAC evaluations, therapy, and supporting through virtual platforms. Additionally, we will take peeks at what AAC teletherapy looks like in real life. Challenges, successes, and parent perspectives of teletherapy and the process of quickly adapting to remote services will be shared. You will see AAC teletherapy through this clinician’s looking glass.

Guest Webinars

Parent/Caregiver Classes