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ASHA CEUs are not available for our on demand trainings.

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There are so many options to explore when it comes to AAC, so how do you know what to try? In this training, we will explore various tools that can be used as part of an AAC toolkit to help match needs and features. All members of an individual's team (family, care providers, school members) bring unique perspectives that are important to consider as you explore AAC options. Having a process for looking at AAC options in place ensures that the individual’s needs in varying settings and environments are considered. Having tools to guide your process in place also helps focus on what features of a device will meet your child’s needs, and helps you narrow down your field when looking for technology solutions.

Get access to the handouts below:

Part 2 Notes handout can be found here.  

Part 2 Tools handout can be found here.  

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