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KeyGuards, TouchGuides, and KeyGuides - Oh My! What’s the Difference?

Posted on 2021-02-02 17:17:17 by Admin under News

It's a question we hear fairly often: Keyguards? TouchGuides? KeyGuides? What are they? How are they different? How do I know what to buy?

Keyguards, TouchGuides, KeyGuides: A Definition

Keyguards, TouchGuides, and KeyGuides are types of access technologies that support touch access on speech generating devices. These are available in different colors (e.g., black, white, clear), sizes, and styles (e.g., hinged, fixed). Below is a brief overview of each one. You can learn more details on the PRC-Saltillo eStore.

Pictures and Definitions

keyguard example 1   touchguide example 1   tactile keyguide example 1
keyguard example 2   touchguide example 2   tactile keyguide example 2






keyguard example 3   touchguide example 3   tactile keyguide example 3
Typically has rectangular openings which allows for full visibility of the icon and label. Depth allows for more accuracy without accidental hits from other parts of the fingers or hand. Gives a clear definition of the boundaries between buttons. Hinges upward so it can easily moved out of the way for access to programming menus.   Typically has oval openings which can slightly obstruct the visilibilty of icons and labels. Openings are shallow and designed for an individual whose fingers, headstick, stylus, or other access method might get “stuck” in the deep openings of a KeyGuard. Provides a subtle distinction between locations. Does not hinge – must be removed for access to programming menus.   Only available on the Accent 1000 and intended for use with the LAMP VI language system (for visually impaired). Features 84 oval-shaped openings, like the TouchGuide, but has a hinge design like the KeyGuard. Each opening has a tactile marker either on it or next to it to give the user tactile cues as to the location of the button on the screen.


Want to get your hands on one, or understand what might be best for you, your client or family member? Connect with your PRC-Saltillo AAC Consutlant today!