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Features You’ve Asked for Highlight Chat Software Update 2.34

Posted on 2021-12-17 10:37:25 by Admin under News

Important Software Compatibility Information

The database for software update 2.34 has been updated, meaning that your NovaChat and ChatEditor must be in the same software version to make file transfers. So, make sure both your device and ChatEditor are running the 2.34 software so you can access the following new features.

Select Skin Tone for Individual Buttons

In this update, you are now able to change the skin tone for individual buttons! This is a great feature to create a diverse vocabulary file but still be representative of people in your AAC learner's life!

Learn More!

Change Pronunciation for Individual Buttons

Another feature added at the button level is being able to change pronunciations for individual buttons. This can be useful for names and words like wind (like the air) and wind (like a clock). 

Let's Take a Look!

A New Way to Print Pages from Your Vocabulary in ChatEditor

Now in ChatEditor, you can save the page as an image or .png file to your computer! This allows you to copy and paste the image into a document and change the size of the image to your liking.

See it in Action!

New in WordPower®


  • Core vocabulary added to category pages - you can now say anything you want from the core vocabulary pages OR the category pages.
  • QWERTY keyboard available in category pages – in addition to core vocabulary, access to the QWERTY keyboard on category pages allows for this easy generation of language.
  • Early Books added - these books pages from WordPower60 Basic have been added to the vocabulary and can be found on the reading page.

All English WordPower Files

  • Verbs “lick,” “squeeze,” “text,” and “exit” have been added
  • “Fire” and “water” have been added to the nature page

 Check ‘Em Out!

Watch the entire 2.34 Chat Software Update here or jump to certain sections above!