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Using & Customizing your NovaChat® Now Even Easier with Update 2.35

Posted on 2022-02-10 20:37:56 by Admin under News

New features in the 2.35 Chat Software update are designed to make using and customizing your NovaChat® easier. Be sure to watch the video to see what’s new! 


Hide Mode

  • If the “Show Hidden Buttons” setting in enabled in the Application Settings, you will receive a pop-up notification if you try to turn on Hide Mode while editing the vocabulary. This will help to alleviate any confusion when using Hide Mode to customize the vocabulary.

Menu Lock

  • This feature has also been updated to be easier to lock and unlock access to the Chat Menu. In previous software versions, whenever the Menu was locked or unlocked, a pop-up notification appeared asking if Kiosk Mode should be enabled or disabled as well. This often-caused confusion and sometimes led to other apps and features being accessed when that was not intended. Now, when locking or unlocking the Menu, it is not an option to enable to disable kiosk mode at the same time.  



 WordPower 25 Touch and Scan

  • - Updated to include early books. Read along and engage with the AAC learner using these early books pages to build communication and literacy skills!
  • - Keyboard redesigned to contain only 25 buttons per page, aligning with the rest of the vocabulary and making it easier for individuals using a keyguard to access the keyboard.
  • - Phonics keyboard containing only 25 buttons per page added as another way to support literacy development. If you wish to use this phonics keyboard, you will need to edit the button to go to this new 25-location phonics keyboard.

 Writing to Apps page

  • Copying text to other apps is easier than ever with the addition of this page. Found on the Groups page, the WRITING to APPS page lets you copy and paste messages in the speech display bar to a number of different applications. Simply create the message, navigate to the WRITING to APPS page, select the desired app, and paste the message.

 New words in WordPower vocabularies

  • - In all vocabularies (except WordPower20), you will now find several science themed words: include: conclude, experiment, observe, and predict.
  • - The word “another” has been added to the WordPower60 Basic vocabulary in the Extra Words category.

Update Today!