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Mark Your Calendars for 50% Off TouchChat® May 3-9, 2021!

Posted on 2021-04-21 17:25:16 by Admin under News
Get ready to celebrate Better Hearing & Speech Month with 50% off TouchChat May 3-9! You won't want to miss this awesome opportunity to purchase one of the most popular iOS AAC apps on the market, so mark your calendars today!

TouchChat Sale Terms and conditions:

  • Available worldwide: The discount is based on the U.S. App Store.
  • Exact prices may vary in other countries.
  • Price listed on the App Store reflects the discount at time of sale
  • Sales tax will be added to the order, if applicable
  • Excludes all TouchChat Classic and in-app purchases (Classic apps should no longer be purchased- they remain in the app store for updating purposes).
  • Sale subject to change at any time.
  • Purchase orders NOT accepted.
  • Can be combined with Apple’s Volume Purchase Program for Education discount​.

Visit the App Store

Chat Software Update 2.30 is Here!

Posted on 2021-04-06 15:04:17 by Admin under News

It's time to update your Chat device with the latest and greatest features…check them out below and be sure to watch the video for more details! 


  • Application Settings – when you select the Menu button, you will see that "Settings" has been changed to "Application Settings".
  • Vocabulary Settings – is a new menu option that provides access to customizing gestures and SymbolStix® skin tones while in Edit Mode.
  • SymbolStix Skin Tone Randomizer – this means that skin tones are assigned randomly throughout the vocabulary. If selected, you will see a warning indicating that you will not be able to undo the randomization. Instead, you will be able to re-randomize the tones or select a skin tone to be used across the file.


  • Show Hidden Buttons – while in Edit Mode, if you attempt to hide buttons while the "Show Hidden Button" setting is on, you will receive a notification telling you the setting is on with an option to disable the setting.
  • Use Same Button - A notification alerting you that a button was created with "Use Same Button" allows you to edit the single instance, all instances, or cancel the edit - see example in video below.


  • WordPowerhas a few minor changes with symbol updates across the files.
  • COVID symbols have been added to SymbolStix® (SS) and PCS® libraries – for SS, search "covid" in the search window; for PCS, search "virus".

 Download Today!


Cool New Features Await in TouchChat Update 2.30!

Posted on 2021-04-01 10:19:32 by Admin under News

TouchChat update 2.30 is here and with it comes new features and bug fixes you've been looking for! 


    • Highlight words as they are spoken in the Speech Display Bar (SDB) - Available within the settings of the TouchChat app, this great literacy feature allows you to turn on the feature and select your preferred highlight color. It can even be used with Telephony!
    • The VoiceKeeper Text to Speech engine updates - Able to be used with TouchChat, this add-on purchase has been updated with V3 voices, which means that the voice quality is improved and easier to achieve. With a minimum of 50 sentences recorded, you can hear your personalized voice. The more you record, the better the voice will be! Visit to learn more.
    • “Bose®Connect” added to open apps - Now available to the open app button action, this feature allows individuals to connect to a Bose Bluetooth® speaker.
    • WordPower™ has been refreshed with a few minor symbol updates across the files
    • SymbolStix® & PCS® have been updated with a few new symbols related to COVID-19

Bug fixes:

  • Apple voices no longer say “Capital I” when an “I” is selected
  • Skin tone randomizer is now listed under “vocabulary settings” section
  • The randomize button is now available directly on the vocabulary settings page when skin tone is set to random
  • Issue with the app only speaking the last sentence in messages with multiple sentences has been corrected
  • Corrected problem with “skip empty cell” not working properly
  • Fixed a bug causing some iPhone menus to stretch off the right side of the screen
  • Keyboard no longer covers name field when trying to name an imported picture
  • Corrected a bug that caused certain BMP images to not display
  • Fixed issue with missing voices not showing warning message
  • French WordPower descriptions will appear in English in the WordPower folder when the device is set to English. When the device is set to French, the French descriptions will be in the top-level vocab list.