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2.5 Software now available!

Posted on 2016-10-17 10:09:09 by Admin under News

The 2.5.0 Chat Software Update is now available here for your device and for Chat Editor.  Simply find your device and click on the appropriate language under Downloads next to your device.  You can also watch this video to see "What's New".

New Features:

  • Take a photo - a camera action that can be added to a button
  • Auditory Prompt Volume being spoken through the speaker, can now have a seperate volume from the speaking volume
  • A Basic Spanish Vocabulary file has been added to the Spanish systems. 
    • WordPower48 Español Basico is a new addition to the WordPower Español vocabularies.  It was designed with early language learners in mind, providing ample picture support and novel structures to facilitate expressive language development.  Core vocabulary is embedded within the category and activity pages, allowing easy generation of language from the main core page as well as within tropic-based pages.  Core words remain consistent in terms of placement and access, providing a natural bridge between core and fringe words. 
  • A 108 w/keyboard WordPower file has been added.
    • WordPower108 with Keyboard is a vocabulary consisting of high frequency core words, spelling and word prediction.  With the keyboard on the main page, the communicator moves seamlessly between words and spelling, thus minimizing keystrokes and the need for navigation.  Common core words are embedded within the category pages in order to assist in bridging the gap between core and fringe vocabulary.
  • Advanced Grammar Actions for Pre-morphing
    • Dynamic Labels
    • Apply Grammar Property
    • Apply Grammar State
    • Clear Grammar State

Chat 2.5.0 Update addresses:

  • "more" and "that" symbols corrected in WordPower 60 Basic file
  • Core Word Page link is corrected in the Basic Scan file
  • Profile names no longer have character restrictions


To download the Chat 2.5.0 Software Update, go to Menu > Help > Check for Updates on your device to initiate an automatic update.  You can also go to Support & Training > Support Home > Scroll down to find your device and choose your language under Downloads to download the appropriate Chat Software Update to manually copy to your device.