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ATIA Orlando 2014 Saltillo Presentations

Posted on 2014-01-27 14:51:22 by Admin under News

Are you heading to sunny Orlando this week for ATIA?  If so, you are very lucky.  Not only will you have warm and sunny weather (hopefully), but you'll also get the chance to see some awesome presentations.  See below for descriptions, dates and times.

Friday, January 31st

Different Kids, Different Systems: Core Vocabulary with Saltillo and PRC

Presenters: Lisa Timm and Sarah Wilds

Time: 2:20pm – 3:20pm, Room: Curacao 7/8

There are many different AAC systems on the market, and an increasing awareness of the importance of teaching core vocabulary. This session will explore why core vocabulary is important for children using AAC, and the differences in core representation between PRC and Saltillo devices. Implementation ideas using basic and extended core vocabulary will be presented, and differences in how to teach core across different devices (e.g., NovaChat, Accent, iPad) will be highlighted.

Saturday, February 1st

Developing Relationships and Leadership Skills for People Who Use AAC

Presenters: Chris Klein and Lisa Timm

Time: 8am – 9am, Room: Curacao 1

The majority of leaders in the AAC field are mostly clinicians, manufacturers, and university faculty. People who use AAC have a difficult time getting into a leadership role and functioning effectively in those roles because of time-based communication limitations and lack of education. The majority of this session will be spent on addressing the following 4 questions: (1) “What kinds of relationships are critical for people who use AAC and why?” (2) “How can clinicians, support teams, and teachers promote the building of these critical relationships?” (3) “What resources are available to help support teams, teachers, and clinicians support relationship building with PWUAAC?” and (4) “What resources and tools are available to help PWUAAC develop their own leadership skills? “ During this presentation, specific details will be provided regarding: 1) the role of clinicians and teachers in promoting AAC awareness and education within their professional settings; 2) the organization of local parent, teacher, and PWUAAC support groups; and 3) implementation of AAC mentoring programs to build relationships and promote leadership skills among PWUAAC.