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Chat Software 2.14 Update - See What's New!

Posted on 2018-06-28 10:26:50 by Admin under News

The latest version of Chat Software is now available for download through one of our wi-fi enabled devices or via our website. Check out some of the updated features below then head over to watch our video for What's New.

Include Number of Rescans with Auto Scan Off

This feature provides an easier transition after the wrong row has been selected. With step scanning, after going thru the rows, the ‘Number of Rescans’ will start over without having to make an activation.   

Speech Pop-up - A Transition to Literacy Tool

Some people may benefit from the display of animated text along with the spoken word when a button is selected. Text in motion draws the user’s visual attention to the word spoken by the button. When a button displays an image, animated text helps the user associate the text with the image. Combining animated text with speech output promotes understanding and development of literacy skills.

 WordPower™ 60 Basic files

  • Next logical words are updated. For example, tapping ‘good’ or ‘bad’ opens up ‘way’, ‘day’, ‘idea’ and ‘job’.  ‘The’ opens up ‘one’, ‘way’ and ‘best.’
  • Low-tech boards are corrected for consistency.
  • The plural ‘s’ now allows for the word ‘are’ to follow, so things like “cookies are yummy” or “blocks are fun” can be said.
  • PCS symbol corrections.

WordPower™ 20 Simply files

  • Correction to the keyboard page was made so that one comma rather than two will appear when the shift key is selected.

WordPower Español files

  • Spelling errors corrected.

To download the Chat 2.14 Software Update, make a wireless connection, go to Menu > Help > Check for Updates on your device to initiate an automatic update or go to Downloads, choose your language and download the appropriate Chat Software Update to manually copy to your device.