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Chat Software 2.6 has been released!

Posted on 2017-02-17 14:14:51 by Admin under News

The 2.6.0 Chat Software Update is now available here for your device and for Chat Editor.  Simply find your device and click on the appropriate language under Downloads next to your device.  

New Features:

  • Dynamic Word Prediction, Learning Dictionary
  • A new WordPower file has been added.
    • WordPower 25 Touch & Scan is a new vocabulary for the TouchChat App.  Designed to be accessible by direct selection as well as scanning for quick and easy language generation. It incorporates carrier phrases with core words that move seamlessly between the main page and related categories.  Individuals who need a sophisticated and efficient language system with a minimum number of cells per page will benefit from this robust vocabulary.
  • WordPower 24, WordPower 24 w/ phrases & WordPower 30 have been removed, but are still available to download here. Simply choose your device, scroll down to the vocabulary section, and select the vocabulary you wish to download.
  • WordPower files updated with voice command devices & other misc. items
  • Voice command device pages added to MultiChat15 vocabularies

Chat 2.6.0 Update addresses:

  • word prediction dictionary clean up
  • the "allow" screen for accepting a computer stays on the front in order to select it

You can also find a short video demonstrating the new features here.

To download the Chat 2.6.0 Software Update, go to Menu > Help > Check for Updates on your device to initiate an automatic update.  You can also go to Support & Training > Support Home > Scroll down to find your device and choose your language under Downloads to download the appropriate Chat Software Update to manually copy to your device.