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New 2.37 Update Now Available For Our Popular TouchChat® App And NovaChat’s Chat Software

Posted on 2022-06-20 09:32:49 by Admin under News

Take a few moments to update your TouchChat app or the Chat software on your NovaChat to the newest 2.37 version and experience the latest improvements to these powerful communication solutions.

 New 2.37 TouchChat App Feature:

Now available in the following versions of the app: Classic TouchChat, Classic TouchChat with WordPower®, TouchChat Discover, TouchChat HD, TouchChat HD with WordPower, and TouchChat HD Hebrew.

  • Darius, the first male adult African American English digital voice, has now been added to the Acapela suite of voices in the 2.37 update, giving augmentative communicators another diverse voice.

 New 2.37 Chat Software Features:

  • New Backup/Restore setting gives you the ability to back up all your user settings along with vocabularies, allowing you to restore them to the same device or transfer them to a different device quickly and easily.
  • Darius, the first male adult African American English digital voice, and Taylor, a female adult American English digital voice, have now been added to the Acapela suite of voices in the 2.37 update, giving augmentative communicators an even broader range of choices.

 Noteworthy Library Change:

  • WordPower25
    • Added core to category pages for easy access

 Learn More!