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New Device Financing Option Available

Posted on 2017-09-08 11:55:27 by Admin under News

PRC & Saltillo are now registered providers with CareCredit!

  • CareCredit is a medically based credit card for office visits, dental work, DME, etc.
  • Client Advocates can apply for credit at
  • The applicant can apply for any dollar amount, less than, equal to or more than is required to pay for the DME order. The card can be used for other medical expenses as long as the provider is a registered CareCredit provider.
  • Once the applicant is approved and has obtained their credit card number, they should contact Jan Hughes at 800-262-1984, ext.1216. She will provide instructions on how to process the claim.
  • The Funding Department will ensure all required funding paperwork is complete and once the order is ready to be placed, will confirm the order with the client advocate.

After the order is confirmed, the advocate will go to and select Pay My Provider

  • Select Prentke Romich Company as the provider
  • Enter the ID# (provided by Jan Hughes)
  • Enter the dollar amount and the current date
  • Select payment option

    -  6 or 12 Months Interest Free  (1– If payments are timely)
    -  24 Months with Interest  (2)

Once these steps are complete, PRC receives notification from CareCredit that payment has been made and the order is released for shipment.


1–Based on current promotional rate
2–Interest rate varies based on amount financed