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ChatPC User Video Contest

Posted on 2011-09-02 10:25:14 by Admin under News

ChatPC users- Don't forget to get your videos in soon.  You only have a few weeks left to enter!!!!!

Attention ChatPC users:  Would you like to appear in a video for Saltillo for the chance to win a $300 gift card to iTunes, ToysRUs or Target?  We want you to show others how you are using your ChatPC device out in the community.  Creativity is KEY!!  Videos will be judged on how you are using the device, how engaged you are, and showing techniques/ideas that would help other users.  These videos may be featured on our website, Facebook page, YouTube Channel and/or Twitter.  Try to keep videos 10 minutes or less and email them to .  The deadline for video submissions is November 30, 2011.

**NOTE:  You will need to complete a media waiver allowing us to use the video for promotional purposes.  When you submit your video, we will email you the waiver.

New Resources

Posted on 2011-09-02 10:22:41 by Admin under News

As you already know, we have just launched our new website!!  We hope you are as excited as we are and that you are able to find all of the information you need here.  We also have a few other resources we would love for you to check out, including our Saltillo Facebook Page, our Twitter account (which is @SaltilloCorp) and our YouTube Channel.  All of these resources can be accessed using the social media icons on the main page.

from PECS to ChatPC

Posted on 2011-08-14 09:52:46 by Admin under AAC in Action

This article originally appeared in the April / May 2005 issue of Closing The Gap, Vol. 24, No. 1.

Read the article.