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New and Improved App Websites from PRC-Saltillo

Posted on 2021-09-23 10:12:57 by Admin under News

Now, learning about your favorite AAC apps is easier than ever, the former site for the LAMP Words for Life app, now hosts all three of PRC-Saltillo’s industry-leading AAC apps:

  • LAMP Words for Life
  • TouchChat
  • Dialogue AAC

Visit these sites today and learn what makes these popular, research-based language development apps the industry leaders!

LAMP Words for Life®

LAMP Words for Life is designed to meet the communication needs of children with autism and other developmental disabilities.

Based on the Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP™) methodology, the main feature of the LAMP Words for Life app is that every word is produced by one unique and consistent motor pattern. Its consistent motor plan enables early success and allows the client's vocabulary and communication skills to grow.

Visit (new website!)



TouchChat by Saltillo is a full-featured, communication solution with WordPower™ for individuals who have difficulty using their natural voice.

With easy-to-customize features and a wide range of vocabularies, languages and voices, TouchChat by Saltillo is an industry-leading iOS-based AAC app and designed for those with Autism, Down Syndrome, ALS, Apraxia, Stroke, and other conditions that affect a person’s ability to use natural speech.

TouchChat offers a wide variety of innovative features, like head-tracking and split screen, as well as a wide range of vocabularies, languages and voices.




Dialogue AAC is an iOS app designed for literate individuals who require AAC (augmentative and alternative communication). Based around a keyboard, word prediction, and quick phrases, Dialogue AAC offers intuitive programming and a variety of access methods.

Built in Message Banking lets you import messages that use your own voice, while free synthesized voice creation lets you create a synthesized voice that is uniquely yours.

The easy-to-navigate interface of Essence, FREE voice banking and voice creation options, along with the power and familiarity of iOS functionality, come together to create a robust app that gives communicators the ability to begin communicating right away.



Find the answers to all your questions about PRC-Saltillo AAC apps, including those about:

  • Languages & Vocabularies
  • Education & Training
  • Support options
  • In-app purchases
  • Implementation ideas
  • Partner Programs & Training Programs
  • Special Events
  • How to get apps on a funded device

Questions? Contact your local consultant today!



The Biggest App Sale of the Year is Coming October 1-7!

Posted on 2021-09-22 16:56:22 by Admin under News

Get ready to celebrate AAC Awareness Month with 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue AAC apps! You won't want to miss this awesome opportunity to purchase these industry-favorite, iOS AAC apps. Mark your calendar today!

 TouchChat, LAMP WFL, & Dialogue Sale Terms and Conditions:

  • Available worldwide: The discount is based on the U.S. App Store.
  • Exact prices may vary in other countries.
  • Price listed on the App Store reflects the discount at time of sale.
  • Sales tax will be added to the order, if applicable.
  • Excludes all TouchChat Classic and in-app purchases (Classic apps should no longer be purchased- they remain in the app store for updating purposes).
  • Sale subject to change at any time.
  • Purchase orders NOT accepted.
  • Can be combined with Apple School Manager's volume discount pricing.

 Bookmark them on the App Store today!


LAMP Words for Life

Dialogue AAC

More Intuitive Menu Options Highlight Chat Software Update 2.32!

Posted on 2021-08-06 09:14:36 by Admin under News

 It’s time to update to 2.32 Chat Software! Be sure to check out our video to catch all of the new features in more detail!

Access Menu

In this update, we have reorganized the Input menu so that all the settings related to accessing the device are in one location, the new Access Menu! Now you can set your access method, either manual or switch selection, then you can add effects that may benefit the AAC learner. Previously, features in the Access Menu were found in different locations in the settings menu, and the auditory and visual effects features were located in different areas of the Application Settings menu.


Auditory & Visual Effects

New to this update, you can now use both visual and auditory effects when you use your finger or a stylus to touch the screen. Using auditory and visual effects may help some users with visual or cognitive impairments identify and select a button on a page.



We have added a feature called fishing in the Access menu. Fishing requires the individual to activate the button by touching the button a second time. This is a great alternative for individuals who want to use visual and auditory effects but who also use a keyguard or may not be able to drag their finger across the screen. To use fishing, turn the feature on by checking the box.


Volume Control

The volume buttons on the top of the device may be inadvertently or intentionally changed which can impact an individual’s ability to communicate in all settings. To disable the volume button on the device, go to the System settings in the Application Settings Menu, then check the box for Disable Device Volume Buttons. You will still be able to turn the volume up or down by using preprogrammed buttons in the vocabulary to control the volume.


New Acapela Voice - Tamira

Tamira is the industry’s first African American English digital voice. Sample the voice of Tamira at 4:19 in the video above!


WordPower60 Basic

Two present perfect verb pages were added to work with “I have”:

“Her” and “him” are available on the main page following use of “with” and “for”:

On the social page, “my weekend was” has been added:



NEW!! WordPower™60 français

Introducing WordPower60 français, created by Nancy Inman through work with native French speakers. It was designed to be comparable in terms of content and design to the English WordPower60 vocabularies with bilingual communicators in mind. It provides sophisticated grammar for the French language, ample symbol support for early language learners, and awesome academic and social language features!

You will find core vocabulary embedded with the category and activity pages, allowing easy generation of language from the main core page as well was within topic-based pages. Core words remain consistent in terms of placement and access, providing a natural bridge between core and fringe words.  

Early literacy is enhanced via the pages designed around a popular children’s book and offers eight blank book templates. 

A Low-tech communication board within the vocabulary is available for download on the Saltillo website.


Download Chat Software Update 2.32 today!





Update to Chat Software 2.31 for Cool New Features!

Posted on 2021-06-07 10:42:03 by Admin under News

Update your Chat device to the 2.31 software today so you can access the latest and greatest features…check them out below and be sure to watch the video for more details! 

New Features Include:

Text Menu has been renamed to “Literacy Menu”

Pop-Up Speech has been renamed “Button Message Pop-Up”. Button Message Pop-Up is a transition to literacy feature and has moved from Button Settings to the Literacy Menu.

Store Text to Button feature - has been reworked to better prevent buttons from being overwritten by the device user

Side Chat - Color options have been added to the Side Chat window so the color of the second conversation can be changed. This allows each conversation to be more easily identified. Side Chat is a feature that allows an individual to hold two conversations at the same time! Turn on Side Chat by selecting Menu>Application Settings>Speech Output then tap Side Chat to turn on the feature. An icon in the speech display bar will indicate that Side Chat has been turned on:

  • Change the color of the speech display bar by selecting Menu>Application Settings>Style then click the option you wish to adjust. After clicking the option, you can choose your color and it will appear in the circle:

ChatEditor – you will no longer need the Import Folder to transfer files. Watch video below for more information

WordPower™60 Español  Basico – Added ability to say “My favorite food is ____” to all food groups

WordPower80 – a next logical word has “-line” has been added so you can say “online”. The word “cute” has also been added to the first Describe page

Download 2.31 Software Today!