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New State Funding Packets

Posted on 2012-02-20 14:41:35 by Admin under News

We are excited to announce that we now have new color-coded state funding literature packets. These packets walk you through the funding process based upon your individual state's rules and gives you the forms that are required in your state. The forms are also color-coded based upon whether you are using Medicare, Medicaid or Private Insurance. If you would like to request a package, please send an email to that includes your name, mailing address, email address & say that you would like a Saltillo funding package.  You can also check out our Funding page for more information.

Announcing Saltillo's 1st Photo Contest Winners!

Posted on 2012-02-16 08:41:42 by Admin under News

Congratulations go out to Christian Ordonez, Jeremy Geary, Michael Budz and Marina Prather!  They are all wonderful users of Saltillo device AND winners of Saltillo's 1st Photo Contest!! You are on your way to being famous as your photos will soon appear in Saltillo's new catalog. Thanks so much for all of your entries!!  We always love to see photos of our users with their devices. 

ATIA Orlando 2012

Posted on 2012-01-20 15:23:42 by Admin under News

Please join us at ATIA Orlando next week (1/26-1/28) and check out these very informative presentations:

Help Me Do That: Using Core Vocabulary in Saltillo and PRC Devices
January 26 from 8am to 9am
This presentation will use the expertise of three clinicians to explore differences in representing core vocabulary on PRC and Saltillo AAC devices. A school-based cli...nician will share her experiences of assessment and implementation using different levels of core vocabulary on different AAC devices. Two consultants will highlight the differences between four vocabulary systems: The MultiChat and PalmChat (Saltillo Corporation) and Unity 1-hit and Unity Sequenced (Prentke Romich Company). Case studies and videos of children using various AAC devices/ vocabulary systems will be presented, demonstrating how to implement core vocabulary across a wide range of language abilities.

Specialized Curriculum and Augmentative Communication: Putting the Pieces Together
January 26 from 2:35pm to 3:35pm
Learn how to create classroom environments rich in AAC opportunities and educational learning. This collaborative presentation utilizes N2Y's News-2-You educational content paired with AMDi's static and Saltillo's dynamic communication devices. Together they provide practical solutions to increase device use while improving overall academic knowledge.

Practical Strategies, Games and Activities for Teaching PalmChat and MultiChat!
January 26 from 3:50pm to 4:10pm
How can I teach the AAC Device Vocabulary to my user? If you struggle with this question and if you have AAC users with the popular PalmChat or MultiChat Vocabularies come to this session and get some tips. The presenters will show some proven ways to use the device in everyday settings that allow a user to learn the vocabularies and no more boring drill! You will see videos of actual users in a variety of settings. These techniques have started from real teachers and SLP's struggling with this very concept. Learn from their experience. A CD will be given at this session that has several activities included.

NOVA Chat 7 Webinars

Posted on 2012-01-04 10:06:31 by Admin under News

Do you need help programming your NOVA Chat or just wonder "what does that button do"? Check out our listing of webinars scheduled for the new year.