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NovaChat® 2.41 Update Now Available

Posted on 2023-02-24 09:53:26 by Admin under News

It’s time to update your NovaChat® devices. Start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check for Updates and follow the prompts. Now let’s look at what’s new in version 2.41 of your Chat Software.

LogMeIn Rescue Support

After updating to version 2.41, your NovaChat device will have the ability to connect remotely with the service department through LogMeIn rescue if needed. This can help our service team offer you better support when troubleshooting concerns with your device.

WordPower® Updates

WordPower 42 Basic
In the Food and Drink pages, you now have the ability to describe what the food or drink tastes like. When you press “it,” you can then say, “it tastes” or “it is,” and then choose from the describers available.

WordPower 108 & WordPower 108 with Keyboard
Core words have been added on more category pages. A button to go to the Actions page has also been added to category pages. This allow you to expand on utterances and efficiently make sentences from those pages.

Don’t forget to check out the resources that PRC-Saltillo has to offer to support you and your NovaChat users.

Check Out The New Features Available In The 2.41 App Release

Posted on 2023-02-22 10:23:26 by Admin under News

This week, PRC-Saltillo released version 2.41 updates to our three AAC iOS Apps: TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC. Included in the 2.41 release are new app features, bug fixes, and vocabulary updates. Here’s what you need to know.

New features for all AAC apps

Moveable Cursor

The biggest feature released in 2.41 is the ability to edit within the speech display bar (SDB). Available in all three apps, you’ll now be able to move the cursor anywhere in the box allowing you to make changes when a mishit occurs rather than deleting everything in the display and starting over.

How does it work? This feature works by either placing a cursor with your finger or using buttons in the vocabulary to move the cursor at the character, word, or sentence level. During the initial release, vocabularies will need to be programmed using the new button actions. We plan to include these buttons in some of our original vocabularies in future software updates.

Open a Specific Website

You can now program a button to link to a specific website like your AAC learner’s favorite website, a planned educational activity, and more! When programming, there’s an option to restrict access which doesn't allow user to open other links on the page. This is a great feature to help keep your AAC learner focused during a learning session.

Open App List Button

The new open apps list button will give users the ability to open apps from the following list:

  • Choiceworks Calendar
  • Talking Calculator Pro
  • Google Slides
  • MS Word

Note: Choiceworks apps are not included in LAMP Words for Life.

New feature for TouchChat & Dialogue

Pause & Resume Button

For eye/head tracking users, you will now have a button available to pause the eye/head tracking feature when you are taking a break. Use the same button to resume eye/head tracking when you are ready to continue your conversation.

Voice updates

Your AAC app includes an array of powerful voice options from Almagu, an international developer of text-to-speech technology. The Almagu speech engine has recently made improvements to voice quality and pronunciation for Spanish and English voices. Check them out and let us know what you think.

Learn more about voice options including a new voice donor for kids.

WordPower Updates for 2.41

Make note of these vocabulary updates within TouchChat.

WordPower108 files

  • Core vocabulary added to category pages
  • Added actions to category pages

WordPower42 Basic

  • Changes to food and drink pages: now you can say “it tastes” and food descriptions come up or, say “it is,” and describe comes up with food/drink descriptors
  • Indian food category added
  • Desert animals added


Stay informed on PRC-Saltillo’s industry-leading apps on our new YouTube Channel and through the links below.

Explore AAC App Tips In One Convenient Location

Posted on 2023-01-24 08:47:11 by Admin under Resources & Tips

Stay in the know with your favorite PRC-Saltillo AAC iOS Apps. Tutorials, support videos, and technology features can now be found on one YouTube Channel. Explore the ever-growing list of resources for LAMP Words for Life®, TouchChat®, and Dialogue® AAC and subscribe to the new channel today.

There’s always something to learn with our trio of AAC apps because great new features become available regularly. PRC-Saltillo offers unmatched training and support so you can make the most of your language technology. Our TIPS team, that’s Training and Implementation Products and Services for short, is dedicated to bringing you the latest information and step-by-step teaching tools. Their expert advice as speech-language pathologists and assistive technology gurus will elevate your knowledge and help you and your communication partners succeed in AAC.

On the new channel, you’ll find resources for new AAC learners as well as long-time app aficionados. It’s a great place for everyone on the AAC team to find quick videos, read-alouds, and game-changing tips for all of our industry-leading AAC apps.

  • Explore the “Start Your Engines” classes that are available for TouchChat and LAMP Words for Life that will help AAC teams and families who just purchased these apps to cover the basics and begin with confidence
  • Check out our implementation playlist for videos that show ways to engage AAC learners
  • Plus, our app update videos will give you the most current info on features that will enhance the user experience

We’re making it easy for you to discover helpful tips and interactive tools for all of our industry-leading AAC apps in one convenient location. Subscribe today!

If there’s a topic you’d like to see highlighted on the new channel, let us know. Contact the TIPS team at

*Note: The previous TouchChat App YouTube Channel ( has expanded to become the new AAC Apps Channel. While the old link will no longer be active, all previous videos will still be accessible through the new link. Plus, new videos are being added regularly.

Not an AAC app user yet? AAC apps can be a great start into your exploration of AAC vocabulary and technology. They can supplement other AAC strategies or serve as standalone. They can also be helpful in teaching family members and friends how AAC works. These apps can be purchased separately and immediately downloaded for your iOS device, such as an iPad or iPhone, or they are available on a funded speech-generating device like the Via® Mini or Via Pro.

Interested in getting one of our industry-leading apps on a funded device? Connect with a PRC-Saltillo Consultant today!

Hope to see you at ATIA 2023

Posted on 2023-01-20 15:19:22 by Admin under News

ATIA 2023 is just around the corner! We hope to see you in Orlando January 31 to February 4! PRC-Saltillo is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor of this annual conference that brings the latest assistive technology and strategies to a network of people who care about individuals with special needs.

Stop by our booth (#413) and say hello!

  • Test drive our latest Accent®, NovaChat®, and Via® devices, including the NEW Via® Mini you’ve been asking for
  • See the latest in the Versa™ line of consumer products that’s sure to be a game changer and share your feedback
  • Meet our PRC-Saltillo ambassadors and talk to them about their own AAC Journey
  • Connect with our consultants to ask questions about our products and support services
  • Take an Adventure in AAC Land where you’ll experience fun, creative ways to implement AAC
  • Give us a High Five to learn more about our NEW industry-leading warranty and get a special gift while supplies last
  • Enter for a chance to win registration to an AAC conference of your choice; details at the booth

Don’t miss all the great AAC learning opportunities from PRC-Saltillo

Our amazing colleagues and friends fill the speaker lineup at this year’s event with presentations to help you and your communication partners excel in AAC.

Thursday, February 2 (located in Bonaire 1 unless noted)

8:30 - 9:30am
Case Studies: Implications of AAC Decision Making in Early Education Transitions
Emily Yosuico & Laura Clark

9:45 - 10:45am
All Write All Ready: Independent Writing Activities for Emergent AAC Learners
Beth Waite-Lafever

1:00 - 2:00pm
Chart Your Course with AAC Learning Journey
Cortney Maholtz and Beth Waite-Lafever

2:15 - 3:15pm
Track, Touch, Scan: iOS Accessibility for AAC Apps
Shawn Malcomson

4:30 - 5:30pm
Hints and hacks for maximizing use of Realize Language data logging
Russell Cross

Friday, February 3 (located in Bonaire 1 unless noted)

8:30 - 9:30am
Soar with Unity® Superpowers: Exciting features lead to new adventures!
Beth Waite-Lafever

9:45 - 10:45am
Ignite Potential: Using WordPower® to Its Fullest
Cortney Maholtz

1:00 - 2:00pm
Meeting the Needs of Bilingual Individuals who Use AAC
Daniel Dardiz & Deborah Witkowski

2:00 - 2:20pm (located in the Exhibit Hall)
New from PRC-Saltillo
Kirk Behnke and Heather Prenovost

2:15 - 3:15pm
Using the LAMP® Approach School-wide: Measuring Communication Partner Skill
Jeremy Legaspi, Staci Dover, Courtney Rogers

2:15 - 3:15pm (located in Boca 2)
Public Speaking & Leadership with Toastmasters International and AAC
Cortney Maholtz and Kevin Williams

4:30 - 5:30pm
Bilingual English/Spanish AAC Vocabulary Solutions from PRC-Saltillo
Daniel Dardiz, Sarah Waldman, Maria Rivera

Check them out in the online session directory and be sure to mark them in your ATIA 2023 app!

26th Annual Edwin and Esther Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture

We’re also pleased to sponsor the 26th Annual Edwin and Esther Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture to honor the life and work of the late Edwin (PRC-Saltillo co-founder) and Esther Prentke. Ashley Mohesky, the 2023 Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecturer, will share her perspective in her lecture, The Intersect of Success and AAC. The lecture takes place during the in-person conference on Friday, February 3, 2023 and will be live streamed for free as part of the ATIA 2023 Virtual Event. Learn more about this special session.