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Comfort Meets Durability In The Newest NovaChat® 8

Posted on 2023-05-15 11:15:47 by Admin under News

As we celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month, let’s explore new technology available in the NovaChat® device family to help more children and adults use their unique voices.

Comfort meets durability in the new generation of the NovaChat 8 with easy-grip side and carrying handles on a strong, modern wrap. This popular speech-generating device now features a single USB-C port for charging device and amp. Energetic and on-the-go communicators will benefit from the NovaChat 8’s lightweight portability with the added protection of a tempered-glass screen protector and active wrap to help withstand drops and falls. You’ll love the newest device upgrades as well as the many recently added features.

“We’re incredibly excited about the new generation NovaChat 8,” said Michael Hershberger, Director of Product Development. “The previous generation has proven to be very durable, and we expect this device to build on that reputation. The design also includes several Quality-of-Life improvements for users and communication partners.”

Exciting Upgrades to the Latest NovaChat 8

  • Easy-grip sides for holding and positioning the device when in use
  • Sleek, modern active wrap decreases overall bulkiness but not the strength and safety
  • Single USB-C port for convenient charging of device and amp
  • Quickly jump to Chat Software by pressing the new button on the top of device
  • Plus, improved accessibility for power and volume buttons and charging port
  • Military-grade tablet for faster button action
  • Approximately 8.75 hours of battery life under continuous usage

Favorite Features You Know and Love Continuing

  • Durable handle improves ease of portability and comfortable carrying
  • Splash- and dust-resistant design exceeds industry requirements for protection against solids and liquids
  • Tempered-glass screen protector for added durability and performance
  • High resolution display for clearer, sharper images
  • High-quality amp provides clear communication in a variety of environments
  • Fully adjustable stand allows for a wide range of angles that stay in place
  • Wraps now available in black for timeless style
  • Integrated Keyguard and TouchGuide mounting points to help reduce accidental activations
  • Accommodates wired and wireless switches for scanning access

Pre-loaded with the most comprehensive WordPower® Suite and additional vocabularies, the NovaChat 8 offers solutions to fit different communication abilities and needs. This speech-generating device is ready to go wherever your day takes you. Connect with your local consultant to see if the NovaChat 8 is the just-right fit for you!

Update Your Chat Software To Version 2.42

Posted on 2023-05-01 08:44:39 by Admin under News

It’s time to update your NovaChat® device so you can enjoy new vocabulary features. Start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check for Updates and follow the prompts.

WordPower® Vocabulary Updates

WordPower 42 Basic

  • The word “had” has been added to pronoun phrases so you can now say “he had lunch” or “she had fun”
  • “Had” has also been added as a logical next word on the drinks and food pages
  • Continuing with our food theme, “for” has been added on the meals and snacks pages to be combined with “breakfast,” “lunch,” or “dinner”

WordPower buttons spelling "I had a good time"

WordPower 60 Basic

  • The word “had” has been added to pronoun phrases on category pages
  • On the food and drink pages:
    • The verb “taste” moved to make room for the added word “had”
    • “It” and “that” are now followed by the verb “tastes”
    • The word “for” was added to be combined with “breakfast,” “lunch,” or “dinner”
  • “Has” has been added as a logical next word following it/he/she on category pages

WordPower buttons spelling "It tastes yummy"

WordPower 80

  • A button for “-’m” has been added to the main page following the “I” pronoun to create the frequently used contraction “I’m”

WordPower 60 & 120 Français

  • Look for updates to the “ma journee” pages

Note: These vocabulary updates are also available on Chat Editor 2.42 so you can create low-tech activities that mirror your device.

Looking for fun and interactive ways to practice vocabulary with your NovaChat device? Check out the AAC Language Lab today. You’ll find real-life solutions in support of language development. Resources include parent guides, sample lesson plans, manual communication boards, and much, much more.

Do you have an especially energetic communicator? NovaChat devices now come with our new High Five Warranty with five years of coverage. If you are looking for even more coverage for those unexpected situations, explore the benefits of the Peace of Mind Add-On Warranty. Find all the details on the PRC-Saltillo eStore.

Improve Your AAC IOS App Experience With The 2.42 App Release

Posted on 2023-04-25 16:18:29 by Admin under News

Check out the new features available in TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.42. We regularly improve your app experience so you can communicate to the fullest.

New features for all AAC apps

Compatibility with Mac

If you’re a Mac user with an Apple Silicon Processor, you can now download your AAC app to your computer at no extra cost with the 2.42 update. This allows you to have access to many of the app features on your Mac laptop or desktop. Your computer app is going to talk (except for FaceTime calls) and you can copy AAC vocabulary files between your iOS devices. Transfer files in the same manner as you have previously between iPads. Remember to save your vocabulary files with different names as vocab files are not synced across devices.

Having access to your AAC app on your Mac computer may also be helpful if you don’t have access to Chat Editor software, but it’s not intended to be a replacement for it.

How to download: Go to the App Store on your Mac and download the app in the same way you would on an iPad or iPhone. You’ll use the same Apple ID and password on both devices. The interface on your Mac will look the same as what’s on your iOS device.

Note: Head tracking and eye tracking features will not be displayed on your Mac computer as the hardware will not be present.

"Forget Account" button added for Realize Language

We hope you’re benefiting from Realize Language – an online service from PRC-Saltillo that gives parents and professionals powerful ways to monitor, measure, and maximize use of AAC speech devices and apps. With the 2.42 update, your iOS app now has a button action available to “forget account” so you can switch between accounts and best track AAC use for each individual.

New feature for TouchChat & Dialogue

Hiru eye tracking in the settings menu

Previously located in the upgrade store, you’ll now access the Hiru eye tracking system through the settings menu. This feature will only be visible and accessible if the Hiru is connected and powered up to your iOS device. Stay tuned for more information regarding the VersaEye™ with Hiru, a new direct-to-consumer product releasing this spring from PRC-Saltillo.

New feature for TouchChat

Chat Editor now recognizes PCS purchase

If you have chosen to purchase PCS symbols in addition to SymbolStix for your TouchChat app, they will now appear in your Chat Editor so you can create low-tech activities that mirror your device. Want to learn more about using Chat Editor? Visit AAC Learning Journey.

Vocabulary Updates for 2.42

Within WordPower® 60-location and higher vocabulary files on TouchChat, you will now have access to the new movable cursor and Hiru eye tracking buttons. Essence 60 & 84 vocabulary files within Dialogue AAC will also include these new button actions. 

Stay informed

If you missed the previous release updates for 2.41, including details on the movable cursor, pause and resume button, and voice improvements, read the article here. Stay connected with PRC-Saltillo’s industry-leading apps on our new YouTube Channel.

Not an AAC app user yet?

TouchChat and Dialogue are on sale for 50% off May 3-9 in honor of Better Hearing and Speech Month. Visit your app store to purchase during that week only.

Hope To See You At ISAAC Cancun!

Posted on 2023-04-19 09:41:46 by Admin under News

Hope to see you in Cancun July 24-27 as the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) presents the 19th Biennial Conference: Communication Beyond Borders. PRC-Saltillo is proud to be a member of ISAAC as we work toward the vision of AAC being recognized, valued, and used throughout the world.

Stop by our booth and say hello

  • Test drive our latest Accent®, NovaChat®, and Via® devices, including the NEW Via® Mini
  • Connect with our consultants to ask questions about our products and support services
  • Give us a High Five to learn more about our NEW industry-leading device warranties
  • Attend a presentation by PRC-Saltillo speaker Daniel Dardiz: “Tips for Getting Started with Bilingual AAC”

Bruce Baker AAC Globalization Initiative

PRC-Saltillo is also pleased to sponsor the Bruce Baker AAC Globalization Initiative to honor Bruce’s legacy and contributions to the field of AAC. Bruce drew upon his knowledge as a linguist to develop Minspeak® in the 1980s, a system of encoding language through multi-meaning icons. He dedicated his career and life to serving individuals who communicate with AAC. 

Advancements in technology, research, and clinical practice have made AAC accessible to millions of people across the globe. There is still work to be done. Through this initiative award, PRC-Saltillo provides funding to a chosen individual or team to develop vocabulary files, translate AAC systems, and create materials in languages in which AAC is under-represented. Upon completion, the vocabulary, instructions, and materials will be integrated into PRC-Saltillo AAC apps and/or devices and make them available in places where the language is spoken.

“It’s an honor to be associated with an award that pays tribute to an individual who has contributed so much to our field,” said Dave Hershberger, CEO of PRC-Saltillo. “I appreciate ISAAC’s leadership in establishing this honor to Mr. Baker. I am also very much looking forward to seeing members of the ISAAC community in person for the first time since ISAAC 2018 in Australia!”

View the recipients of the inaugural award in the video below.

The number and quality of proposals received for the 2022 award speak highly of the passion and expertise of the global AAC community. The review panel organized by ISAAC considered the strength of the proposal team, needs addressed, and clarity of proposed work. The winning team, made up of Haukei Lam, Ruiqi (Stephanie) Fan, and Yahui Lin, has extensive experience implementing high- and low-tech solutions for clients of all ages. Their project involves developing a family of Mandarin vocabularies for use in AAC systems to be completed in 2024.

Since the announcement of the winning team in August, the awardees have been collaborating with the PRC-Saltillo team to determine the tasks required for creating the Mandarin system, which components are currently available, and how the teams work together to create a complete system.

Moving forward, the Bruce Baker AAC Globalization Initiative will be awarded every two years to coincide with ISAAC Conferences. Look for information to come regarding the 2024 award application.

Register for ISAAC Cancun today and be sure to follow #ISAACcancun on Twitter for conference updates.