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Experience The Promise And Protection Of Our New Product Warranties

Posted on 2023-01-03 17:51:05 by Admin under News

PRC-Saltillo aspires to provide exceptional service and quality products. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce two new industry-leading warranty programs, the High Five Warranty and Peace of Mind Add-on Warranty, to keep you actively communicating with a device that’s operating at its highest level!

High Five Warranty

Every device sold by PRC-Saltillo in the U.S. and Liberator Communications Canada after January 1, 2023 will come with our High Five Warranty that covers repairs due to defects in materials and workmanship for five years from the device shipment date. This coverage also includes:

  • Three accidental damage repairs for Accent® and NovaChat® devices
  • Two accidental damage repairs for Via® devices

Life happens sometimes. Simply reach out to the PRC-Saltillo service team at any time during the five-year period for this benefit.

Peace of Mind Add-on Warranty

If you’re looking for even more device protection, our Peace of Mind Add-on Warranty is designed to supplement our High Five Warranty. The Peace of Mind warranty offers worry-free coverage with unlimited accidental device and accessory repairs, regardless of frequency or cause at a reasonable annual cost.

This coverage is available for all devices shipped to clients in the U.S. after January 1, 2023. It’s also offered for most devices shipped prior to January 1, 2023 that are still within five years of shipment.

“The High Five Warranty demonstrates device quality from day one through extended use as well as our strong focus on addressing customer needs,” said Sarah Wilds, Chief Operating Officer at PRC-Saltillo. “We want to keep our customers and their communication partners engaging in meaningful conversations. And we’re here to provide support should something get in the way.”

Your device is an integral part of your daily routine. You take it to all the places where you work, learn, and play. We hope these warranties will ease your stress if your device isn’t working and your voice is on pause. Our service team will efficiently assess your device and make the necessary repairs or offer a solution to get a device back to you as soon as possible.

Questions? Learn more about our brand-new warranties.

PRC-Saltillo prioritizes the quality of our speech-generating devices and support services even as the costs of components, labor, and testing have continued to rise. We’ve absorbed as much of these increased costs as possible but will be minimally raising the price of our devices effective January 1, 2023. We’re confident that the new five-year warranty coverage, our best-in-class clinical support, and the high quality of our devices will ensure your satisfaction. Please note: Current price quotes will be honored.

 Send your questions about this change through our online contact form

Stay Current With PRC-Saltillo IOS Apps In Version 2.40!

Posted on 2022-12-21 10:10:55 by Admin under News

It’s time to update your PRC-Saltillo AAC apps to version 2.40 for Dialogue® AAC, LAMP Words for Life®, and TouchChat®. To access new features for the best app experience, make sure your device is operating with iOS version 14.0 or later. 

Important Information

Starting with version 2.40, PRC-Saltillo will no longer provide support for apps on iOS 12 and iOS 13. Current users who are unable to update to iOS 14 may continue using version 2.39. New users will not be able to purchase these apps on a device running less than iOS 14. We highly recommend upgrading to the latest iOS version so you can enjoy all the newest features.

Dialogue AAC

Within Dialogue AAC, you’ll see an upgrade store with added Acapela voices. There are now 12 English adult voices, nine English child voices, five Spanish adult voices, and two Spanish child voices available. Current customers using Dialogue AAC, make a free in-app purchase to access the Acapela voices. For all new Dialogue AAC customers, these voices will be automatically included in your app. 

Watch the What’s New in 2.40 video to learn how to preview and select an Acapela voice.

The PRC-Saltillo support team is here to help. If you have any questions, contact us at


Update Your Software to 2.39!

Posted on 2022-10-25 17:02:14 by Admin under News

Let’s see what’s new for the NovaChat line of devices in update version 2.39. 


  • Acapela has added new voices to include more diverse child and adult options. You can find these in the Speech Output section of the Application Settings, under Voice.
    • Malik (African American male child)
    • Tiana (African American female child)
    • Constance (French female adult)

 Grammar Feature

  • Another new setting has been added to the Speech Output section labeled Grammar.
    • When Grammar is unchecked, it will only speak the initial hit of the present tense and then speak the grammatically correct word ending when the full message is spoken.
    • When this is enabled, it will say the present tense on the initial hit and then say the new form of the word after you select the word ending. This is how it spoke before this setting was added. 


  • You gave us the feedback and we listened. The symbols for “pretty” and “ugly” have been updated in all WordPower files to be more inclusive.
  • WordPower25 English vocabulary file was updated and now includes an option to talk about your favorite things after selecting “I want” or “I like” so you can have fun talking about your favorite things!
  • WordPower80 and 108 also got an update. You can now ask “How was your weekend?” from the Social page to encourage conversation and engagement with others.
  • WordPower Françaisgot an update so you now can express more with fewer button pushes!
  • In both WordPower Français files, you can now say “What are…” on the Questions page.
  • In WordPower60 Français, you can now say “My favorite color(s) is(are)” and “What is(are) your favorite colors(s)?”

Check out the video to see these updates in action!

The Biggest App Sale of the Year is Coming October 10-16, 2022!

Posted on 2022-10-06 09:31:18 by Admin under News

Get ready to celebrate AAC Awareness Month with 50% off PRC-Saltillo’s TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC apps sale October 10-16, 2022! You won't want to miss this awesome opportunity to purchase these industry-favorite, iOS AAC apps. Mark your calendar today!

Click to bookmark:

Try TouchChat FREE before the big sale with TouchChat Discover

You'll have full access to everything our popular app has to offer, giving you valuable time to evaluate if it's the right solution for you.

Then, during the sale October 10-16, 2022, you can upgrade to your favorite TouchChat app (HD - Lite, HD - AAC, HD w/WordPower®) with an in-app purchase!

TouchChat, LAMP Words for Life, & Dialogue Sale Terms and Conditions:

  • Available worldwide: The discount is based on the U.S. App Store.*
  • Exact prices may vary in other countries.
  • Price listed on the App Store® reflects the discount at time of sale.
    • TouchChat (Regular price: $299.99 USD; SALE PRICE: $149.99 USD)
    • LAMP Words for Life (Regular price: $299.99 USD; SALE PRICE: $149.99 USD)
    • Dialogue AAC (Regular price: $99.99 USD; SALE PRICE: $49.99 USD)
  • Sales tax will be added to the order, if applicable.
  • Excludes all TouchChat Classic apps and items in the Upgrade Store (Classic apps should no longer be purchased- they remain in the app store for updating purposes).
  • Sale subject to change at any time.
  • Purchase orders NOT accepted.
  • Can be combined with Apple School Manager's volume discount pricing.

*LAMP WFL not available in all countries.